Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter and Cancelling Aunt Jemima

Published on Aug 9, 2020
Greetings, Peace and Blessings to you, your family and loved ones. My name is Nana Baakan and I have a lot of questions about what is happening in our world today.
I am going to upload a few videos over the next few days. I just want to share with you some of my questions and get your responses. These videos are simply opinion pieces, I make no claims of being a scientist or having any inside info. Please take that for what it's worth, I just have a lot of questions.
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The topic of Today's video is the "Black Lives, All Lives Matter, & Cancelling Aunt Jemima."
As the steam engine rolls out and the cry of alarm is hoisted against racial and social injustice, something seems to be missing from the dialogue.  On the one hand the Black Lives Matter Movement is flagged with the comment All Lives Matter.  All lives matter to the point that Obama pinned an executive order that "Blue Lives Matter" as well after the series of deaths of police officers in their line of duty.  So now we have another color to add to the mix of lives that matter.  People are asked to stand for the color of the lives and make a statement about changing how these lives are treated.
In this video I want to talk about "All Lives" and I want to ask the question…..  When do all lives "NOT" matter? In other words as much as we see these signs going up and protests happening around the world, how is it that the lens of those who are living on this planet can be so narrow and skewed that they miss the hypocrisy of it all.

This video:
Music: "Healing" by Kevin MacLead

For the full narrative, links and videos please check out my blog
Nana's Rants On Things From A-Z

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