Hey, Slovaks! - Anthem of The First Slovak State (Reupload)
Published on Jul 17, 2020
This isnt my video (obviously). It belongs to FBIV, whose channel was unfortunately deleted by YouTube.
Original description:
This is the anthem of the Slovak State, Slovakia's first experience of freedom.
The country, although not in its full extention (Hungary got several parts of it when Czechoslovakia ended), had Father Jozef Tiso and his Hlinka Guard as its leaders, from 1939 to 1945, when the soviets re-created Czechoslovakia.
The country experienced a huge catholic and clerical influence, but in counterpart had pride of their slavic traditions, sometimes making references to the ancient pagan god Perun.
Hej, Slováci, ešte naša
slovenská reÄ Å¾ije
Dokiaľ naše verné srdce
za náš národ bije
Žije, žije, duch slovenský
bude žiť na veky
Hrom a peklo, márne vaše
proti nám sú vzteky!
Jazyka dar sveril nám Boh,
Boh náš hromovládny
Nesmie nám ho teda vyrvať
na tom svete žiadny
I nechže je koľko ľudÃ,
toľko Äertov v svete
Boh je s nami: kto proti nám
toho parom zmetie
I nechže sa aj nad nami
hrozná búra vznesie
Skala puká, dub sa láme
a zem nech sa trasie
My stojÃme stále pevne
ako múry hradné
Čierna zem pohltà toho,
kto odstúpi zradne!
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