"Wheat & Tares - The Hive Mind" (Be4TheFire.com Video #11)

Published on Jun 10, 2020
Genesis 3:15, "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."

Satan, his demons, and his offspring have been running the planet's governments and kingdoms since the dawn of time (Matthew 4:8-9). They look human and act human, but unfortunately they deceive humans and eat the flesh of humans (Micah 3:3).

Jesus came in the flesh to free us from our sin, as well as the world system that is owned and operated by the Enemy (Ephesians 6:12). Choose to humble yourself before Him today, before Judgment and Wrath is poured out, for then it will be too late.

Here is the http://www.Be4TheFire.com Timeline

Seed of the Serpent in 15 mins - excellent study (way better than mine) by LoneStar1776

Dragons of Arabia - Article on Tribulation-Now.org:

The Nachash and His Seed: (study)

"911 Truth Lessons From Original Star Trek - NWO Reverse Psychology"


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