Published on Jul 14, 2020
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VOICED BY: Robert Ovadia

Hillary Clinton has been embroiled in political conflict during a 2-day goodwill tour of Israel and the West Bank.

Mrs Clinton's was present while the wife of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat accused Israel of poisoning Palestinians' water.

Some have labelled the U-S First Lady's visit as a stunt to woo Jewish voters in New York, where she's expected to stand for the senate next year.


Aspiring senator Hillary Rodham Clinton would have hoped for a positive TV image as she visited the Wailing Wall, alongside Nava Barak, wife of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud.

The U-S First Lady paid homage to the Jewish state, placing a private prayer in one of the Wall's cracks.

Accompanied by daughter Chelsea and Nava Barak, the wife of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud, this was billed as a mission of peace, as Israel and the Palestinians inch closer to compromise on disputed territories on the West Bank.

Respects were also paid at Yad Va'shem to the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis during the holocaust.

The memorial and the Wailing Wall stand in East Jerusalem, which the future state of Palestine would claim as its capital.

This was not the political storm Mrs Clinton had been seeking, as she met Suha Arafat, the wife of Palestinian leader Yasser.

The First Lady was at Ramallah to donate nearly four million dollars from U-S coffers for mother-child health care centres on the West Bank.

1.02 SOUNDBITE: (English)
"Today I am delighted to join my friend Mrs. Arafat and all of you as we launch a vital, new partnership to strengthen the families of the West Bank and Gaza."
SUPER CAPTION: Hillary Rodham Clinton, U-S First Lady

But those sentiments fell on stoney ground, as the present tensions in the Middle East intruded into the occasion.

"It is important to point out here the severe damages caused by the intensive daily use of poisoning gas by Israeli forces in the past years that led to increased cancer cases among Palestinian women and children."
SUPER CAPTION: Suha Arafat, Wife of Palestinian Leader Yasser Arafat

Suha Arafat spoke of poisonous gas attacks by Israeli forces on Palestinian women and children.

The bitterness that must be overcome was underlined by the crowd of demonstrators protesting at the First Lady's presence.


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