Published on Jul 31, 2020
VIDEO ON YOU TUBE: https://youtu.be/YQFI4Aa-vCw
Intel CEO Ben Swan just admitted - what we already knew - Intel is basically dead, with no product to sell. What does that mean? Get out of Intel immediately...there is your first task.
Intel Corp.’s outsourcing plans cast shadow over fate of Israeli operations
The Intel 10 and 7nm design and fabrication process is a disater. As TSMC and AMD streak ahead, 100 miles off the coast of China, Intel Israel tries a nervous chuckle.
*Intel CEO: We think of ourselves as an Israeli company as much as a US company*
“I just want to say that it will be centered here in Jerusalem."
The disaster is a pure Israel affair.
*Intel launches new processors that bring AI to the PC, sired by Haifa team*
“Even if Intel ceases manufacturing, its factory in Israel will be the last to shut down,” says former Intel executive
"Outsourcing"? Since when does the giant CPU manufacturer "out source"? Well, it does when they got caught filling the latest designs with "flaws", aka "backdoors".
*Senators Fear Meltdown and Spectre Disclosure Gave China an Edge*
By not informing the US government in advance of two industry-wide hardware flaws, Intel may have inadvertently given ammo to China's hackers.
In fact, Intel warned China of the "flaws" even before they warned the US government.
Its one big disaster and there are several ways to view it - just know this...Intel is not coming back from this. It was laid it out in January 2020...
Not only can they not "make" the chip, they cannot outsource the job either. There is only one semi-conductor manufacturer that can handle the job (which they cant), and that's Taiwan Semi-Conductor (TSMC), located on the Taiwanese mainland, 100 miles from China. China covets Taiwan, have stated explicitly they will invade and restore Taiwan as a part of Communist China.
*If China Invades, Taiwan Could Target Shanghai And Beijing With Cruise Missiles*
That means the CCP would control the only major output of cutting edge CPU's to power the 4th Industrial Revolution. That means war, pure and simple. Nothing more and nothing less.
Regardless, TSMC could handle maybe %30 of the required output - there is your disaster right there...just after the first disaster whereby Intel cannot manufacture it's own state of the art CPU's. But there is a third level to the disaster...AMD bought up ALL of TSMC's leading edge 7 and 5nm cutting edge production. There is no one who can manufacture Intel CPU's. No one. Do you know what this means? Chaos...
Expect technology companants to skyrocket in price - especially CPU's. And if the CCP decides to take on the United States Navy? Then expect triple carnage on technology and associated stocks.
Either way, Intel is no longer a CPU manufacturer. Assuming they got their act together they would be a full design behind AMD. Thats is death. AMD is now sure to take over the lucrative and national security linked CPU Server market - that is death for Intel and a disaster for US national security with endless ramifications which few if any seem to notice.
Although making predictions is always difficult due to the artificial nature of the markets, by any measure, common sense and or otherwise, Intel is dead and will shrink %70 in size to focus on self driving vehicles, iOT and 5G wireless and the UN Smart Cities program. They will move entirely to Israel. As has a large portion of the US high tech industry. Perhaps this was the plan? Implode the company, buy it up for %20 of it's former price, then have it booming again in Israel - fully owned - within two years with a "miracle story" of how Israeli ingenuity saved Intel and got it back on it's feet. Anything involving Israel means endless lies and scamming.
UN Refugee Application | Brendon Lee O'Connell - 100MB PDF file
Acc Name: Brendon L. O'Connell
Bank: St George Bank, Perth, Central Business District
Acc No: 055164731
BSB: 116879
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