DISL Automatic, Genocide & Beast 1333 - Unstoppable

Published on Oct 17, 2023
Subscribe: @DISLautomatic
Follow DISL Automatic on Spotify for early releases: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2WHKzS4ZFZ8xVs77ToxWRh

Genocide Official Website: http://www.genociderap.com
Add Genocide on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GenocideRap

Beast 1333 Official Website: http://Beast1333.com
Like Beast 1333 on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Beast1333
Follow Beast 1333 on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Beast1333

DISL Automatic Lyrics:

Hey yo, I educate and elevate my mental state, I'm in the zone
Get it straight, I'm heavy weight, I demonstrate how I have grown
Knowledge on the microphone, that's what I be droppin'
Don't care about that fashion so don't as me what I'm coppin'
Don't ask me what I'm wearin', don't ask me what I'm drivin'
I ain't flashing off no diamonds but I'm nasty with the rhymin'
I'm trying to mastermind a plan to wake up all my peeps
And I won't be satisfied until we take it to the streets (Get BIG On 'Em!!!)
People you better get your heads straight
If you are not Getting BIG then homie you just dead weight
If you are not ready for the message that I bring you
Then turn the music off and let your ignorance continue
I don't mean to offend you but I'm not the one to bite my tongue
When the war is at your door what will you do fight or run?
Now our time has come, together we're unstoppable
History has shown to us that anything is possible
Empires have risen and the ones who rule are the elite
All of them have fallen 'cause they never thought they'd see defeat
They know that we're stronger so they hope and pray that we retreat
But there's no surrender, I'm a general I lead my peeps
Now it's time we fight peacefully
Educated G so I know my rights legally
Don't try deceiving me, your lies can not affect me
My mind is like my armor so my knowledge will protect me

Genocide Lyrics:

We're unstoppable, united we have got the numbers
get the riot gear ready, bring your best gunners
me and my brothers, on the front line attack mode
combat ready for my liberty to uphold
fuck the government they dont really represent us
Their working for the corporations and the one percenters
trying to tell us, how to live and control your life
so many lies, history we need to re-write
you need to elevate your mind to a higher state
end of days be upon the entire human race
dont be a slave, sleepwalking till your in the grave
while the new world continue to take shape
what kind of place are you leaving for you children
when you look at all the fema camps they building
when you look at all the laws that they bringing in
Next, they'll be embedding a microchip beneath your skin
begin the revolt, we can only win together
never surrender, never bow to your oppresor
They want us dumbed down, weak and to be afraid
But I rather die on my feet then be a slave
we need a revolution, we need a uproar
cuz it dont really matter who the fuck you vote for
the shadow government, still running the business
the only way that we can change it is with a resistance
get em!!!!!

Beast 1333 Lyrics:

I am the number #1 Emcee
that every single rapper
knows and Fears
Beast 13 to 3 to the 3
switching Gears
Gonna make this Clear
fitta been six Years
Since the Mark of the Beast
and the birth of this Here
For the Beast to appear
the signs of the Times
And the signs of the Ending
the Ending is Near
For the people to Cheer
take em down a new path
To the New Frontier
my chosen career
There's sheep to shear
all over the Planet
All over the sphere
constructing a Rhyme
That causes a disturbance
in the Fabric of Time
They'll turn on a Dime
the Beast a Better Design
I'm at my pinnacle Prime
my lyrical Mind
Is on a Knowledge Quest
i'm at my physical best
A critical Mess
the path that i Suggest
To pass this Cynical Test
won't give it a Rest
You tired on the Mic
don't worry give it to Me
For years i've been Indoctrinating
teaching how life
Really Could Be
i'm making 'em see
The Lamp that Guide Shine
the rhymes awaken the Blind
Ahead of My Time
the rawest Unrefined, My Grind
The Lyrics Combine
to form alliances
Collabos with my brother Disl
this world is full of Suffering
And people that are Evil
we are heralds for the Youth
I aint record this in a Booth
i metaphysically Transduced
my vocals on this track
The Truth, The Proof
is right up in our faces, Places
Full of Army Bases, Aces
dropping bombs on kids
But aint no Hague tribunal Cases
aint no Justice, aint no Peace
There's plenty more they have in Store
they start the conflicts
Then Reap the Massive Profits
from the Wars
We Breaking the Laws
& ripping apart they're Jaws
We Stars
flipping them Awesome Bars
The Gods
whipping em at the Scars
We Are
ripping it for the Cause
(Get Big on Em)


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