Published on Jul 9, 2020
mirror from Aaron Kasparov:
Aaron Kasparov says: "Ending: In nature, each group unites according to its kind. The goal of each is to divide and isolate members of the other in order to defeat it. The victorious group thus increases its ability to gain territory and resources i.e. tools for survival.
Auschwitz as Religion: The Holocaust has become the biggest religion in Europe, overtaking Christianity and taking over Christian symbols, doctrines and practices.
The present belief in the Holocaust is, in effect, a secular religion or “superstition.” Here are some of the ways the “Holocaust” uses similar iconography to Christianity:
CHRIST as the Savior sent to redeem the world is replaced by the “Chosen People” whom God has selected and given the mission to bring Justice and Righteousness to the “Nations” (the Gentiles)
THE CRUCIFIXION is superseded by the alleged “extermination” of the Jewish people as a collective “Messiah,” which is seen as a greater crime (sin) than the crucifixion of Christ (who was only one innocent man vs. 6 million innocent men, women & children, according to Holocaustian thinking)
LAMB OF GOD is expressed in the total innocence of the “victims” of the concentration camps, whose guiltlessness should never be questioned. They are portrayed as being forever herded into “gas chambers” and “open pits” like sheep
SATAN (THE DEVIL) is, of course, the “Nazis” (or Nazism). Forever evil, incapable of good, they are opposed to God’s Plan for his “Chosen Ones” to rule the world. The “Nazis” are portrayed as wanting to rule the world themselves
The PRIESTHOOD is comprised of the Holocaust “historians” who determine the correct dogma (narrative) and explain it to the faithful, under the oversight of major Jewish organizations, eg. World Jewish Congress, B’nai B’rith, and too many others to list
CATHEDRALS AND CHURCHES are the Holocaust Museums and Memorials, such as Yad Vashem, the U.S. Holocaust Museum, the Wiesenthal “Museum of Tolerance,” the Anne Frank House (plus the thousands of smaller ones sprinkled everywhere ). Also included are the former concentration camp sites, for example Auschwitz-Birkenau, Buchenwald and Dachau. These are all places where worship of the “victims” can take place in a protected setting
HOLY DAYS are the various days of “remembrance,” which include Yom HaShoah (U.S. and Israel Holocaust Remembrance Day) 27 January Day of Commemoration for Victims of Holocaust; Anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising and others (some yet to be named)
PILGRIMAGES to the former German concentration camps, Jewish ghettos or wherever Jewish suffering is imagined to have taken place are made in a spirit of reverence and obligation
SAINTS such as Elie Wiesel, Anne Frank, Simon Wiesenthal, Irene Sendler, and Yisrael Meir Lau become semi-mythological beings, and their stories are widely read and believed
PROPHETS are the self-described “eye-witnesses” to the alleged gassings, murders and atrocities whose statements of what they saw and heard cannot be questioned. Eg: Filip Müller, Rudolf Vrba, Kurt Gerstein, Rudolf Höss, Olga Lengyel and others
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Children are taught the basic tenets of the faith from an early age in the schools, and given increasingly more complete indoctrination through upper grades and college level
INQUISITION is carried out by the media, which follows the instruction of the enforcement arms of the Major Jewish Organizations. These enforcement arms include the Anti-Defamation League, the LICRA in France, and even the rogue Jewish Defense League
EXCOMMUNICATION is pronounced against revisionist heretics who won’t repent, leaving them banned and excluded from receiving salvation (sacraments). Their name becomes anathema to those in good standing
LEGAL PROSECUTION OF HOLOCAUST HERETICS is provided for in secular law codes to punish, with stiff fines and prison sentences, any questioning of the Holocaust Religion. Judges in State and Federal Courts are required to enforce these laws in the name of “public order” and protecting the feelings and “physical safety” of Holocaust believers
ZEALOTS, burning with religious zeal for increasing the spiritual reach of the Holocaust, have run the gamut from such diverse types as French existentialist writer Albert Camus to billionaire Ronald Lauder (Estee’s son) to Abe Foxman of the ADL
THE FAITHFUL are what no religion can do without—in this case, the followers, unquestioning believers and consumers of Holocaust propaganda
Lauder/Rothschild 9/11:
WW2 today: https://www.bitc

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