Politicians come and go. Bankers rule forever. followers 5 Your Subscription Politicians come and go. Bankers rule forever. - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1012 days ago01:40 goyimlivesmatter has liked a video Who Is Behind Gun Control In America? Who Is Behind Gun Control In America? 1012 days ago22:22 goyimlivesmatter has liked a video *NEW* GDL Texas Tour Doc Had fun working on this , Got to try new things with the musheen 1012 days ago22:22 goyimlivesmatter has liked a video *NEW GDL MINI DOC TEXAS* HT, BACON, HAMMER & GDL GOYZ *NEW GDL MINI DOC TEXAS* HT, BACON, HAMMER & GDL GOYZ 1171 days ago22:05 goyimlivesmatter has liked a video 1177 days ago18:00 goyimlivesmatter has liked a video Programming todays European children All folk need to set aside a few hours and absorb what the producer of "Europa the last battle" is telling you. We have been lied too... Democracy is "SLOW KILL" ... Back door "COMMUNISM" the psychological weapon of choice for the Covid well poisoners, money changers = the "JEWISH CENTRAL BANKER CRIME FAMMI... 1246 days ago01:50 goyimlivesmatter has liked a video The Not So Chosen People 1304 days ago01:20 goyimlivesmatter has liked a video Germany must perish Ernst Zundel on how the allies wanted to eliminate Germany even before the war a true Genocide. 1306 days ago02:07 goyimlivesmatter has liked a video White Supremacy Is a Code Word For Jewish Hate White supremacy has no factual reality. There is only Jewish supremacy and their hatred for the white race. Such hatred manifests through the minorities that they have mind controlled and manipulated as agents for inducing white guilt and ultimately white genocide. 1306 days ago02:02 goyimlivesmatter has liked a video ADOLF HITLER: THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION OF SPEECHES - 2 HOURS OF HITL... https://archive.org/details/adolf-hitler-the-ultimate-collection-of-speeches-2-hours-of-hitler-speeches ADOLF HITLER: THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION OF SPEECHES - 2 HOURS OF HITLER SPEECHES. 1320 days ago22:44 goyimlivesmatter has liked a video Ehud Barak, chief architect of 9-11, interviewed on BBC an hour aft... Follow me @ Odysee. https://odysee.com/@RickHeskey:8 World Truth Videos. https://worldtruthvideos.website/@Rick_Heskey CHARLES GIULIANI FULL ARCHIVE. http://www.renegadebroadcasting.com/hosts/charles-giuliani/ JESUS THE JEW. http://www.renegadebroadcasting.com/truth-hertz-jesus-the-jew-11-24-20/ RECRUITING GENTILES WITH CHRISTIANITY. ...