DESCENTINTOSLAVERYDESGRIFFIN followers 12 Your Subscription DESCENTINTOSLAVERYDESGRIFFIN - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1391 days ago07:25 DESCENTINTOSLAVERYDESGRIFFIN has liked a video OTHER LOSSES 7 MILLION GERMANS PERISHED 1391 days ago07:24 DESCENTINTOSLAVERYDESGRIFFIN has liked a video Other Losses - A Film by James Bacque 1391 days ago06:52 DESCENTINTOSLAVERYDESGRIFFIN has liked a video THE DEEPER CONNECTIONS: ALEX JONES JOE ROGAN EXPOSED THE DISINFORMA... None 1391 days ago06:01 DESCENTINTOSLAVERYDESGRIFFIN has uploaded a video British Bombing Targeted Hospitals Their ultimate goal, would erupt with deadly fury in the near future? Immediately following the war(WW1) the British government, acting on orders from their hidden masters in the City, clamped a blockade on Germany. This move had a devastating effect on the German people. On March 4th, 1919, Winston Churchill declared in the House of Commons... 1391 days ago16:50 DESCENTINTOSLAVERYDESGRIFFIN has uploaded a video Nurse Hands it to another Nurse Coercing -The Depop Jab The Un-jabbed will be blamed for the deaths of the Jabbed and it will be called the third Wave. UK 1200+ deaths CDC: Death Toll Following Experimental COVID Injections Now at 4,647 – More than 22 Years of Recorded Vxx Deaths from VAERS. 12,184 DEAD 1,196,190 Injur... 1391 days ago16:48 DESCENTINTOSLAVERYDESGRIFFIN has uploaded a video WEEPING AND HOWLING TODAY. PORTUGAL moves to AMBER on UK HOLIDAY LI... They are like a Boa Constrictor, they wait for you to relax a bit and then squeeze tighter, any respite is a trap. One step forward Two steps back every time if you play along. No Politician or Leader in any field is on our side anywhere in the World they are all owned by those that own the Central Banks the Money Printers.Its predictable Get Wi... 1391 days ago14:52 DESCENTINTOSLAVERYDESGRIFFIN has uploaded a video Herman_Rosenblatt_ABC_NEWS-real_to_me-Holocaust? CODOH.COM 1391 days ago14:39 DESCENTINTOSLAVERYDESGRIFFIN has uploaded a video J&J covid Gene Mod. Side Effects. Many Injured and Murdered listed here: 1391 days ago14:29 DESCENTINTOSLAVERYDESGRIFFIN has uploaded a video History of the Jewish Slave Trade A half to two thirds of the original Colonists of North America were Slaves. 57% of Children in working class Manchester died before their fifth birthday in 1840. .They were not called Dark Satanic Mills for nothing, children died there and down pits alone in the dark working air pumps. â£Ulrich B. Phillips, Life and Labor in the Old South expl... 1391 days ago14:16 DESCENTINTOSLAVERYDESGRIFFIN has uploaded a video Prof. Dolores Cahill-mRNA vaxxed low life expectancy. UK 1200+ deaths CDC: Death Toll Following Experimental COVID Injections Now at 4,647 – More than 22 Years of Recorded Vaccine Deaths from VAERS.