Fritsche48 followers 4 Your Subscription Fritsche48 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 881 days ago09:33 Fritsche48 has liked a video The Real Heros of World War 2 You can also find me here: Videos, written works, etc I share are not my creations unless otherwise specified. #Worldwar2 #wwii #nationalsocialism #thirdreich #nsdap #jwo #nwo #communismkills #whitegenocide #... 992 days ago14:41 Fritsche48 has liked a video This Is Just The Beginning "Wake Up Normies" 992 days ago14:38 Fritsche48 has liked a video 4 Year Old Child Almost Killed From Mask Mandate - Dr. Eric Nepute The good Dr. explains what has just recently happened to one of his young year old clients after being forced to wear a mask. If you care, then share. Greetings from AJ at CV19News and thanks for visiting us on Bitchute. If you enjoy this video and value the truth movement, please consider making a donation of any amount, or subscribe to a month... 992 days ago14:33 Fritsche48 has liked a video the creators of communism are the cancer of humanity BOMBSHELL BOSTON BOMBINGS FALSE FLAG ALL CRISIS ACTORS YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE THE FAKE WOUNDS WAKE UP SANDY HOOK FALSE FLAG HOW QUICKLY THE ZIONIST TARGETING PROGRAM CAN INFILTRATE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD BOSTON BOMBINGS FALSE FLAG HEIGHT TREASON CAUGHT ON CAMERA h... 992 days ago13:39 Fritsche48 has liked a video INTERNATIONAL JUDEA - THE ENEMY OF MANKIND 998 days ago15:27 Fritsche48 has liked a video Hitlers War - What the Historians fail to mention... Hitlers War - What the Historians fail to mention... 999 days ago14:41 Fritsche48 has liked a video Adolf Hitler A Lesson of European History You need to set aside a few hours and absorb what the producer of "Europa the last battle" is telling you. We have been lied to. Wake up “Goyim†Trumps txt recommending "Europa The Last Battle" was removed by Twitter, google and Youtube!; What are they trying to hide? #Europathelastbattle https://peterquiggi...