Abbyisswag followers 1 Your Subscription Abbyisswag - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 646 days ago01:08 Abbyisswag has favorited a video Gypsy Has Gone Into Joker Mode (Live Streams Soon) - 4/14/2023 - Tgram 646 days ago01:07 Abbyisswag has favorited a video 646 days ago01:06 Abbyisswag has favorited a video Gypsy Crusader and the FBI 646 days ago01:05 Abbyisswag has favorited a video Gypsycrusader - The Joker (Omegle) Gypsycrusader as The Joker on Omegle #FreePaulMiller 646 days ago01:09 Abbyisswag has favorited a video GYPSYCRUSADER Joker at his best