chuko80 followers 0 Your Subscription chuko80 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1312 days ago21:32 chuko80 has liked a video Zionist Jews Created Opium Trade - The Sassoon Opium Wars & Hon... The Murderous Synagog of Satan 1321 days ago16:35 chuko80 has liked a video 9/11 - CGI Or Real Planes (2019 Documentary) Original Verson: Nine Eleven (2019 Documentary) 9/11 video claiming there were no planes, at all. The video shows live proof that no airliners were involved in the attack. What you saw on “LIVE†TV back then was, perhaps, not LIVE. It may have been CGI shown to you as if it was LIVE. Source: 1326 days ago19:06 chuko80 has liked a video EXCLUSIVE! DR. DAVID MARTIN JUST ENDED COVID, FAUCI, DOJ, POLITICIA... The (((Central banker crime families))) have us all in a "slow kill" global lockdown on the back of a "Lie" We cant rest until the money changers/well poisoners have been exposed and replaced with the Gottfried Feder economic system, otherwise they will keep you shadow boxing distraction issues. # PeterQuiggins Emperor... 1350 days ago16:57 chuko80 has liked a video Rabbi: "Assimilation Hasn't Worked!" Link to original video: #Jews #WashingtonDC #Religion ☕ BUY ME A COFFEE PLEASE (minor shilling, but hey this is work) ☕ *SUBSCRIBE TO OUR ODYSEE*$/invite/@ZionistReport:6 *SUBSCRIBE TO OUR BITCHUTE* 1352 days ago18:32 chuko80 has liked a video Ernst Zundel - His Last Talk - CII Mexico (2015) Please consider taking an offline copy before censorship prevents you. Full list with quick download option on Homepage Ernst Zundel's last talk to a live audience at an Identitarian conference in Mexico. English language with Spanish subtitles. 1358 days ago21:34 chuko80 has liked a video AVOF 144 - The Anne Frank Diary Hoax - 1 of 2 Please consider taking an offline copy before censorship prevents you. Full list of videos with quick download option on Homepage Ernst Zündel, Swedish Revisionist Ditlieb Felderer and American analyst Eric Thomson dissect the alleged diary of Anne Frank. 1365 days ago16:22 chuko80 has liked a video NAME THE NOSE TOUR LOS ANGELES HIGHLIGHT REEL None 1365 days ago16:18 chuko80 has liked a video GDL Crashes a Pro-Israel Rally CHARLES GIULIANI FULL ARCHIVE. JESUS THE JEW. RECRUITING GENTILES WITH CHRISTIANITY. JESUS THE SUPREMACIST PSYCHOPA... 1371 days ago15:46 chuko80 has liked a video A Young Woman With Brains, Soon They Will Come After You Support our work on BitChute, and All The Honest News Fit To Publish, the independent, ad-free website with a dozen or more posts published daily, over 3,100 archived, with a small recurring monthly donation of 5, 10, or 15 cents per day, or a one-time donation.