GoyimX followers 98 Your Subscription GoyimX - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Streams Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1353 days ago01:53 Userx has liked a video DIY: Recuperator HRV Room Air Exchanger - Fresh Air Ventilation Recuperator's Drawing - https://yadi.sk/i/EwLDLge_6nSciw F12 12VDC Arctic fans, 3" drainage parts, carb preheat ducting 1"x36" (4qty) hoses [3489] Approximate pipe's lengths: 1st piece with exhaust holes- 6", 2nd longest piece - 19", 3rd last piece - 3" I used this video as influential - https://www.youtu... 1353 days ago01:42 Userx has liked a video Disabling RFID Implants Using Electro Magnetic Pulse Device Would this work on the vaxxed? m: https://youtu.be/weL4-MyN8ZM 1353 days ago01:37 Userx has liked a video Breaking News....Large cyber attack on Iran's National Rail Ne... m: https://youtu.be/ufh6ZE1JfUY I thought we could make it thru the day without a major attack but nope. 1359 days ago21:41 Userx has liked a video They won’t be able to walk down the streets anymore Posted on https://twitter.com/4_04_Not_Found/status/1404515775638126593 His name is Nicholas Watt - Political Editor, BBC Newsnight - BBC. "Nicholas "Nick" Watt is a British journalist. In 2016 he became political editor of the BBC's Newsnight. Update on Boris Jonson: After ordering his people to get locked up, the Prime Buff... 1359 days ago21:34 Userx has liked a video IM NOT BUYING THE BLACK LIGHT LUCIFERASE VIDEO THATS GOING AROUND I have not been vaxxed + I will never be vaxxed so I can't say 100% its fake (I can not try it myself) I would need more evidence. 1359 days ago21:31 Userx has liked a video She loves Bill Gates. Maybe this whole vaccine thing is about him g... Making Fun Of Bill Gates Of Hell And His Zombie Vaccine. Probably the only way that weird pedophile could get a date is to zobiefy someone. Source: TheScorpionFormula-News 1359 days ago20:54 Userx has liked a video Compilation of Freudian Slips about vaccines...that ol truth just s... They kill and they sterilize? Do tell. Keep talking. Source: Tim Truth 1359 days ago20:52 Userx has liked a video MCDONALDS NOW SERVING THE VACCINE Visit PCCARES's Shop, for an awesome collection of sky art photography on various items: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/79975650?asc=u 1359 days ago20:35 Userx has liked a video How to make dried meat at home Let's explore how easy it is to preserve your meat from the comfort of your home or at camp, it doesn't require any specific equipment. Dried venison is delicious. You can also dry the meat of beef, pork or duck breast. The use of spice is entirely up to you, I used smoked paprika, ground sage, black pepper, chilli and a wee bit of Fou... 1359 days ago20:18 Userx has liked a video Army Tells Commands – Prepare for MANDATORY Injections in Septemb... BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/CoLnlixyhpQq/ Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/DuckHK Gab: https://gab.com/duckhk Minds: https://www.minds.com/duckhk/ Subscribestar: https://www.subscribestar.com/duckhk Substack: https://duckhk.substack.com Joshwho: https://www.joshwhotv.com/channel/DuckHK Odysee: https://odysee.com/@DuckHK:b https://w...