Rusty-James followers 52 Your Subscription Rusty-James - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 430 days ago19:39 Rusty-James has uploaded a video “COVID bank account stealer": Sean Strickland slams Canadian m... | The UFC champion was not shy about sharing his opinion on a number of contentious issues ahead of a UFC event in Toronto this weekend. ► Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. for more great Rebel content. Unlike almost all of our mainstream media... 443 days ago17:59 Rusty-James has uploaded a video Antisémite 617 days ago23:13 Rusty-James has commented on 435th GTV 44:20 J.Attali has been 'advising' French presidents for over 40 years and bragging where ever he goes that Jerusalem would be 'lovely' place for a world government 808 days ago22:20 Rusty-James has liked a stream Jew Naming IRL … Share Stream… donate to hate Donate 815 days ago09:52 Rusty-James has uploaded a video Assassinations Kennedy Brothers 815 days ago21:58 Rusty-James has uploaded a video Demis Roussos : «La Terre est gouvernée par des "clubs"... ✖✖ DESCRIPTION ✖✖ Demis Roussos est mort le 26 janvier 2015 dans un hôpital privé d'Athènes à l'age de 68 ans. Avant sa carrière solo, il était le chanteur et bassiste du groupe Aphrodite's Child. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ÂÂÂÂÂÂ~~~~~~~Â~ T’abonnè a ma chaine : Regarde...