TalieVision followers 79 Your Subscription TalieVision - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 102 days ago18:01 TalieVision has commented on Spitting, Hitting Attacks on Christians are Sur... "attacked by religious Jewish youths". Lulz. I didn't see a single youth in the entire video. Every single attacker was over the age of 30 with the mojority of them being over 50. 102 days ago17:52 TalieVision has liked a video Yiffo's Foes, Episode 1: Jewstick In this brand-new series from the creator of "The Little Nazi," a monkey named "Yiffo" is given a "Jewstick," which reputedly is the source of all Jewish power. He sets the record straight in this condensed debut episode. New episodes will be uploaded as soon as they are completed, all condensed but with the same ... 102 days ago17:50 TalieVision has uploaded a video Yiffo's Foes, Episode 2: Half-Eaten Apple for a Veteran In the second episode of this brand-new, under-the-underground web series, Yiffo struggles to move a half-eaten apple across the urban landscape for reasons that only he can explain, motivated by the feverish idealism that motivates his various antics. Fresh, original, crazy, and audacious, this web series smacks wokeism in its ugly face, so ... 102 days ago17:46 TalieVision has uploaded a video Yiffo's Foes, Episode 1: Jewstick In this brand-new series from the creator of "The Little Nazi," a monkey named "Yiffo" is given a "Jewstick," which reputedly is the source of all Jewish power. He sets the record straight in this condensed debut episode. New episodes will be uploaded as soon as they are completed, all condensed but with the same ... 114 days ago15:18 TalieVision has liked a video White Kid FIghts Pedo Nigger who was Trying to Talk to His 13 Year ... So at this school this Nigger was trying to hook up with his 13 year old sister and the parents tell the school about it and they did not do shit so the brother got In a fight with the nigger and after the fight there was going to be a fight at lunch but one little nigger was scared of the white power and told the teacher so that nigger got lunc... 248 days ago17:00 TalieVision has liked a video The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax As of 2014, Steven Spielberg’s “Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation” has recorded nearly 52,000 interviews in 56 countries and in 32 languages with so-called “Holocaust survivors.” The present documentary uses some of them to prove that the orthodox tale about the alleged extermination camp at Treblinka is untenable. It is a Revisio... 248 days ago16:58 TalieVision has uploaded a video The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax As of 2014, Steven Spielberg’s “Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation” has recorded nearly 52,000 interviews in 56 countries and in 32 languages with so-called “Holocaust survivors.” The present documentary uses some of them to prove that the orthodox tale about the alleged extermination camp at Treblinka is untenable. It is a Revisio... 249 days ago17:05 TalieVision has liked a video Civil Defense Training Filmmaker Jonas Nilsson meets the Boer Legion at a shooting range in Pretoria. LEARN MORE: "Safeguarding Liberty: The Constitution and Citizen Militias" by Larry Pratt: http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/S/safeguarding-liberty.html "Field Manual of the Free Militia": http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/F/f... 249 days ago17:04 TalieVision has uploaded a video Civil Defense Training Filmmaker Jonas Nilsson meets the Boer Legion at a shooting range in Pretoria. LEARN MORE: "Safeguarding Liberty: The Constitution and Citizen Militias" by Larry Pratt: http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/S/safeguarding-liberty.html "Field Manual of the Free Militia": http://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/F/f... 250 days ago03:41 TalieVision has liked a video The Free American with Guests Cyndi Steele & Wesley Hoyt Clay Douglas, host of The Free American podcast, talks with Cyndi Steele, the wife of (later murdered) patriot Edgar J. Steele, and her attorney Wesley Hoyt about the conditions of Mr. Steele's imprisonment and trial. Listeners will learn a lot about the rampant corruption and antarian sentiment of the so-called "justice system". ...