SpiritintheSky followers 1 Your Subscription SpiritintheSky - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 490 days ago03:12 SpiritintheSky has liked a video Are You a Denier? Nov 23, 2023 Especially a "Holocaust" denier. "By way of deception thou shalt do war" 490 days ago03:03 SpiritintheSky has commented on "By Way of Deception Thou Shall Do War&quo... Ok so she is exposing the truth. So what do you make of this Jew? Some of these people truly don't like what is going on and trying to expose it. 490 days ago03:01 SpiritintheSky has liked a video "By Way of Deception Thou Shall Do War" / FALSE FLAG in I... What do you all think? False Flag or just incompetence? ? SUB OUR TELEGRAM ?: https://t.me/joinchat/8crgRT4G4j0yMzI0 *SUB OUR ODYSEE* https://odysee.com/$/invite/@ZionistReport:6 *SUB OUR GAB* https://gab.com/ZionistReport *SUB OUR BITCHUTE* https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Z8w9bQGzcxGO/ 490 days ago02:58 SpiritintheSky has liked a video Everything will be brought to the light. 490 days ago02:56 SpiritintheSky has commented on "It’s the Beginning of the End of Jewish l... Yes. If you are pro-Palestine, you are anti-satan Israel. You can't serve two Gods. No one will ever have peace with the Talmudists. They are warmongers. 490 days ago02:55 SpiritintheSky has commented on "It’s the Beginning of the End of Jewish l... Haha that's the best news I've heard all month. I needed some good news. 490 days ago02:54 SpiritintheSky has liked a video "It’s the Beginning of the End of Jewish life in the West'... Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KQNvr7Hpbk #Jews #Migrants #IsraelWar ? SUB OUR TELEGRAM ?: https://t.me/joinchat/8crgRT4G4j0yMzI0 *SUB OUR ODYSEE* https://odysee.com/$/invite/@ZionistReport:6 *SUB OUR GAB* https://gab.com/ZionistReport *SUB OUR BITCHUTE* https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Z8w9bQGzcxGO/ 490 days ago02:49 SpiritintheSky has commented on Brother Nathanael - How To Survive The Holocaust I love this guy. Thanks. I would imagine that there were no Ashkenazi Nazi Jews put in work camps, only Sephardic. The Ashkenazi Jews were put in refugee camps where they could come and go as they pleased. Then they killed everyone that worked there, like the laundress and cook. The footage is ridiculous. They just disposed of the witnesses. And they continued to do so well after the war was over. And they are still doing it to people finding the truth.