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Joined Aug 14, 2022
Joined Aug 14, 2022
The focus is to provide the knowledge on what it means to not be like a jew. The sources of knowlege come from philosophers, authors in various fields, and real people with facts. In the world today, there is too much emphasis within anti-semitism on the facts about a people or a group - the jews, however the actual criticism should be towards a jew like existence and essence rather than to a institution of people that has been around for thousands of years. It only gives the jews more power when people criticize them as a group rather than criticizing the spirtual aspects of each and every individual character being like a jew in essence and form in their daily existences. The goal is to ask yourself what can you do to be less like a jew and promote to others how to realize what being a jew is and to fight each and every day to not live nor act like a jew which has been so unfortunately implicitly ingrained in the culture of america and europe especially today.