ShreddyKrueger followers 0 Your Subscription ShreddyKrueger - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 110 days ago03:59 ShreddyKrueger has liked a stream Joker Donate here for vip badge 131 days ago06:02 ShreddyKrueger has liked a stream Joker Donate here 142 days ago02:40 ShreddyKrueger has liked a stream Election night President Paul Donate here 151 days ago23:57 ShreddyKrueger has liked a video Interview: Paul Miller Paul Miller, popularly known as Gypsy Crusder, is an activist, journalist and (like it or not) online influencer from New York City. Disclaimer: This is an interview. We are a comedy show. All reasonable attempts have been made in good faith to remove anything that could be perceived as Hate Speech under the current YouTube terms of service. ... 160 days ago18:10 ShreddyKrueger has commented on CONGRATULATIONS GYPSY CRUSADER - OVER 60 MILLIO... He easily surpasses the record of “six million souls”... :sunglasses: