GLR67 followers 0 Your Subscription GLR67 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 560 days ago23:17 GLR67 has liked a video The LGBT Agenda:Sodom Documentary There is an Agenda for the true Temple of God...The Human Body Homosexuality is confusion in the Temple of God and the Creator is not the Author of Confusion!1 Corinthians 14:33 Support Nicholson1968 at: Transhumanism-gHost in sHell: My Name is Cain.... 587 days ago19:40 GLR67 has liked a video 604 days ago01:30 GLR67 has liked a video 445th GTV 445th GTV 613 days ago14:23 GLR67 has liked a video George Lincoln Rockwell - Brown University Speech (1966) None 613 days ago02:29 GLR67 has liked a video George Lincoln Rockwell speech at Brown University None 613 days ago02:27 GLR67 has liked a video George Lincoln Rockwell - Brown University Speech 1966 George Lincoln Rockwell - Brown University Speech 1966 620 days ago20:40 GLR67 has liked a video 429th GTV 429th GTV 624 days ago20:13 GLR67 has liked a video 433rd GTV 433rd GTV