LookingGlass followers 0 Your Subscription LookingGlass - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1134 days ago11:58 LookingGlass has liked a video Canberra Australian Police Hiding They Used Microwave Radiation On ... https://odysee.com/@TexasVet:6 1223 days ago22:09 LookingGlass has liked a video What Famous People Think About Zionist Jews (2 hr version) Re-upload of 'Timeman786's' video from 2015 titled the same. This video had a million plus views on YT when they pulled it in 2015. Sorry about the quality. 1223 days ago21:48 LookingGlass has liked a video The Eternal Jew (Full Movie, English Dub, 1940, Der Ewige Jude) The owner of slaveryadvocate.com Contact: https://gab.com/DissidentBones Donate here: https://slaveryadvocate.com/donate/ A channel dedicated to the presentation of racialist thought, and historical racialist material. If you have any contributions that are not currently up or are superior to those already archived leave a comment, and I'll... 1231 days ago04:55 LookingGlass has liked a video TRUMP IS THE SWAMP CONTRARY TO ALMOST ALL OTHER CHANNELS, I DO NOT DO COMMERCIALS. I DO NOT DO LINKS. I DO NOT DO ANYTHING THAT MAY OR MIGHT LINK ME TO A COMMERCIAL SITE. I HAVE BEEN RESEARCHING HISTORY, AND MANY OTHER TOPICS, FOR OVER 25 YEARS NOW. WHAT YOU'LL FIND ON MY CHANNEL HAS FOLLOWED THE FOLLOWING RULES: - FOLLOW THE MONEY AND YOU'LL GET (CLOSES... 1231 days ago04:44 LookingGlass has liked a video G. Edward Griffin: Meet Major George R. Jordan, State Department Wh... Speech from the 1960s. Major George Racey Jordan was responsible for facilitating the transfer of American Arms and Technology to the USSR during WWII under the Lend Lease Program. He kept a detailed diary including Primary Source documentation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Racey_Jordan George Racey Jordan (1898-1966) was an American mil... 1231 days ago04:33 LookingGlass has liked a video Actor Seth Rogen says he was ‘fed lies’ about creation of state... Actor Seth Rogen says he was ‘fed lies’ about the creation of the state of Israel. Palestine-Israel Conflict 👉 http://trt.world/13k1 #SethRogen #Rogen #Israel Subscribe: http://trt.world/subscribe Livestream: http://trt.world/ytlive 1260 days ago11:07 LookingGlass has liked a video 🕸🕷 The Secret (((jewish))) Masonic Victory of WW2 (2019 full) Everything we see today stems from that Jewish Masonic victory. All Freemasons in politics know the aim is a one world communist utopia. All policies today aid the minorities aimed at breaking down the family, the very basis of white culture. Hitler knew who was behind it and now so will you. You watch, you decide. This documentary changed my... 1260 days ago10:46 LookingGlass has liked a video ROTHSCHILDS PATENTED COVID-19 BIOMETRIC TESTS IN 2015 AND 2017 They... ROTHSCHILDS PATENTED COVID-19 BIOMETRIC TESTS IN 2015 AND 2017 They Are Responsible for Covid19 ATOMIC BOMBSHELL: ROTHSCHILDS PATENTED COVID-19 BIOMETRIC TESTS IN 2015. AND 2017 Article Link: https://rightsfreedoms.wordpress.com/2021/04/18/atomic-bombshell-rothschilds-patented-covid-19-biometric-tests-in-2015-and-2017 Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Wa...