AdolfHitler followers 0 Your Subscription AdolfHitler - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1599 days ago02:33 AdolfHitler has favorited a video On the Accusation that Hitler was Financed (Revised Version) None 1643 days ago18:33 AdolfHitler has favorited a video The Architects of Western Decline I have actually seen this video before, but i did not know it was released by VertigoPolitix, but i'm still not sure if he produced the original video. The only channel of VertigoPolitix that i can find is his deleted altCensored account that is still up, it has most if not all of his videos too: 1644 days ago17:54 AdolfHitler has favorited a video Yes, Jews are (Ultimately) Responsible (for EVERYTHING) Blame starts at the top. With those who have the power and the intent. Focusing on anyone else is a pointless distraction. 1644 days ago16:47 AdolfHitler has favorited a video HOW AMERICA'S BORDERS WERE OPENED