HaggleBucks followers 7 Your Subscription HaggleBucks - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1773 days ago23:39 HaggleBucks has liked a video The Bankruptcy Your host Tom D'Ambra the bankruptcy of the United States Government. He discusses the corporation USA, the corporation Federal Reserve, etc. and he covers income tax, corporate law, inflation, and pretty much a time line of how we wound up where we are today. Originally aired 1773 days ago22:37 HaggleBucks has uploaded a video Senate Document 43 - Do You Own Your Land?? Your host Tom D'Ambra covers some news of the day in Oct 2015. In addition he discusses the Senate Document (SD43)that removes everyone from ownership of his or her land. 1773 days ago22:33 HaggleBucks has uploaded a video The Strawman Your host Tom D'Ambra discusses how USA Inc. uses YOU (and your kids and your grandkids and their kids) as collateral. Tom tells you how to look up your bond value on Wall Street. Note: The video Tom is referring to in the beginning of the show is NWO & Secret Socioties in Biblical Prophecy. It is already posted on YouTube. Even if you... 1773 days ago22:32 HaggleBucks has uploaded a video The Bankruptcy Your host Tom D'Ambra the bankruptcy of the United States Government. He discusses the corporation USA, the corporation Federal Reserve, etc. and he covers income tax, corporate law, inflation, and pretty much a time line of how we wound up where we are today. Originally aired 1773 days ago22:27 HaggleBucks has uploaded a video Joe Rogan doesn't believe in Nation States ... Why? Why does Joe Rogan hate the idea of Nation States? Who controls him? Why would he say something like this? How many people under 40 years old watch his show? How many subscribers does he have? 1774 days ago16:57 HaggleBucks has liked a video young actors 1774 days ago04:09 HaggleBucks has uploaded a video Bill Clinton plays Manic Depression by Jimi Hendrix Manic Depression by Jimi Hendrix - Guitar Cover 1774 days ago03:56 HaggleBucks has uploaded a video President Ronald Reagan World Peace Blues Ronald Reagan plays his world peace guitar solo 1774 days ago03:33 HaggleBucks has uploaded a video BIG PHILFS FASH SESH #2 MERRY CHRISTMAS ? FREE BOND THANKS H.T MY CHANNEL https://t.me/+OsOfnbXM7VU4ZDVl https://odysee.com/@Philfy'sCorner:6