
Recent Activity

  • vasili has uploaded a video

    Jews in Australia - Ernie Rolando - Nov 2023 to March 2025 (Israel, holocaust, Oct. 7)
    Jews in Australia - Ernie Rolando - Nov 2023 to March 2025 (Israel,...
    A compilation of videos made by Ernie Rolando. including a video confirming that Mark Liebler is a mossad agent.
    relevant links
    The War on White Australia & The Jewish War on White Australia by Brenton Sanderson 2016
  • vasili has uploaded a video

    VPN - Mossad, Unit 8200 & IDF Israeli Defence Force - be aware
    VPN - Mossad, Unit 8200 & IDF Israeli Defence Force - be aware
    Original title:- Exposed: How Israeli Spies Control Your VPN.
    relevant links
    Mossad 4 - Dangerous liaison - Andrew & Leslie Cockburn 1991 (Israel & USA)  
    Telegram (Pavel Durov) attacked by Rothschild (a Rense video) 
    Mossad 3 - The Other Side of...
  • In my next upload of the 'best of MCP July 2009', a caller (George) describes how Israel sent 3000 jews (ie Rothchild's soldiers), to Hungary, so that the Rothschild may take over Hungary. This is in keeping my comments at the start of this video of Henry Ford's 2nd book - ie this is exactly what Rothschild did to the USA.
  • vasili has uploaded a video

    The International Jew The Worlds Foremost Problem - Henry Ford (read by Dr William L Pierce) 2 of 4
    The International Jew The Worlds Foremost Problem - Henry Ford (rea...
    Rothschild attack on America, Russia & Poland
    As per most of the books I convert to audio, I have provided information in this brilliant book, so as to update it, based on what I have learnt regarding the common enemy of all people.
    I have also included both of the missing parts in this audio book, with readings by Alex Linder. 
    And, I ha...
  • vasili has uploaded a video

    Why Are Jews Persecuted for Their Religion (talmud)
    Why Are Jews Persecuted for Their Religion (talmud)
    Michael Collins Piper - AFP Interview - The New Babylon - Rothschild NWO 2009 
    The New Babylon - The Rothschild Empire - Michael Collins Piper 2009 
    Kill the best Gentiles - Tob Shebbe Goyim Harog - James W Von Brunn 2002
  • vasili has uploaded a video

    Michael Collins Piper - AFP Interview - The New Babylon - Rothschild NWO 2009
    Michael Collins Piper - AFP Interview - The New Babylon - Rothschil...
    Jews use their wealth to support Israel
    Why MCP wrote the book - to explain who is behind New World Order NWO
    USA is being used to help establish the NWO
    Rothschild is the biggest financial family in the world from over 100 years ago.
    Multi billionaires from 1830s
    Rothschild massive interests in natural resources
    Example of Rothsch...
  • vasili has uploaded a video

    The New Babylon - The Rothschild Empire - Michael Collins Piper 2009
    The New Babylon - The Rothschild Empire - Michael Collins Piper 2009
    Without a doubt, this is the most important book you should listen to, if you want to learn about why Rothschild is your ruler, and is behind almost all of the troubles in the world today (ie wars, banks, attack on Europeans (whites), Big Pharma including corona, attack on sex, diversity, etc). If you want to remain a slave, don’t listen to this...
  • the year... 1888, a man comes before a jew gor a loan, so he can bake 10 loafs of bread for carl, the jew interviews him ask questions about why he needs loan..... while discussing, jews son shem takes 12 loafs of bread to carl. sells it to him..
    while man initiate loan after the jew tells him well if you know youll have the money from carl lets just put you house on the line as collateral.
    since YOU KNOW guaranteed youll get money from carl....
    now carl lives 1 week from town...
    when man finnally gets to carl...
    carl cannot afford to buy his bread..
    on the trip back to town the bread goes bad, unable to resale it... 
    the man loses his house..
    this is how the jew operates...
    none of us with integrity could operate as such because we know it to be wrong and wouldent be able to respect ourselves...
    their holy book encourages this cheating of ALL other races that not be jewish..
  • vasili has commented on 100 MILLION GENTILES MURDERED BY JEWS

    read my reply to a post