Johoh815 followers 0 Your Subscription Johoh815 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1033 days ago04:00 Johoh815 has favorited a video WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS CALLS FOR ANTISEMITISM LAWS & ANOTHER HOL... mirror from Aaron Kasparov: Aaron Kasparov says: "Ending: In nature, each group unites according to its kind. The goal of each is to divide and isolate members of the other in order to defeat it. The victorious group thus increases its ability to gain territory and resources i.e. tools for surviv... 1033 days ago03:52 Johoh815 has favorited a video New York Times journalist Walter Duranty helped cover up the 1932-3... The New York times journalist Walter Duranty was present during the Red Terror culminating in forced famine in Russia, the first Holodomor 1921-23 and also the 2nd Holodomor 1932-33. Yet the Zionist occupied US Government were eager to accept his narrative in order to recognise the Jewish Bolshevik murderous regime. 1075 days ago15:59 Johoh815 has favorited a video The Jewish Bolshevik Plan To Murder Six Million Europeans Abba Kovner (1918-1987) was a Jewish terrorist leader, mass murderer, poet and writer. Kovner was born in the Crimean Black Sea port city of Sevastopol but soon moved with his family to Vilnius, Lithuania where he joined and became an active member in the Marxist-Zionist youth movement Hashomer Hatzair. In June 1941 Germany troops liberated the ... 1075 days ago15:57 Johoh815 has favorited a video The Bolshevik Revolution - Genocide of White Europeans (Holodomor) The fact is that some historians do not want to point out that the Russian Revolution was largely Jewish because that would put their lucrative career into jeopardy. Or if a historian is brave enough to make some historically reasonable comments about Russia and even Nazi Germany, then the Holocaust establishment will kick him out of academia. R... 1075 days ago15:49 Johoh815 has favorited a video Lenin in London In the period 1902 to 1911 the murderous Jewish terrorist Vladimir Lenin accompanied by his various henchmen, made 6 visits to the British capital. Ramsay MacDonald, who played host to murderous Jewish terrorist Lenin in 1907, later became the first Labour Prime Minister in the shadow of scandal implicating him in Jewish Bolshevik conspiracy. 1075 days ago15:37 Johoh815 has favorited a video PROOF THE JEWS OWN ALL OF AMERICAS MEDIA