JayA88 followers 1 Your Subscription JayA88 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1048 days ago05:36 JayA88 has liked a video 226th GOYIMTV.COM LIVESTREAM: HT FINALLY RETURNS If having issues with watching stream... you can try here on Odysee https://odysee.com/@Handsome_Truth:4/226th-GTV:8 1225 days ago09:58 JayA88 has liked a video Heart Medication Added to Children's Vaxxx SHARE THIS EVERYWHERE!!! Chris is 100% correct in what he is saying. I’ll just add to it. Tromethamine being added to the Pfizer shot for CHILDREN can cause RESPIRATORY SIDE EFFECTS!!! LINKS BELOW 👇🻠https://www.fda.gov/media/153447/download https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8480612/ https://www.drugs.com/sfx/tromethamine-side-effects.html 1232 days ago08:59 JayA88 has liked a video 1232 days ago08:50 JayA88 has liked a video Paul Miller before Gypsy Crusader Before playing joker on omegle. Before the awakening of our great revolution Paul was just a journalist. Paul just wanted to report the news but the powers that be wouldn't let him. 1233 days ago08:47 JayA88 has liked a video 210th GOYIMTV.COM LIVESTREAM: NTNT5 TEXAS RECAP WITH (((PATTERN REC... 210th GOYIMTV.COM LIVESTREAM: NTNT5 TEXAS RECAP WITH (( 1233 days ago08:42 JayA88 has liked a video 209th GOYIMTV.COM LIVESTREAM: HT & ARYAN BACON Omegle ! 208th GOYIMTV.COM LIVESTREAM: HT & ARYAN BACON Omegle ! 1255 days ago06:28 JayA88 has liked a video Steven Anderson Exposed Part 14 The Bible Way To Heaven: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxdXw7LFguk https://www.thepreaching.com 1257 days ago05:04 JayA88 has liked a video 208th GOYIMTV.COM LIVESTREAM: HT on Omegle !!! 208th GOYIMTV.COM LIVESTREAM: HT on Omegle !!!