The Cryptic Yid followers 3 Your Subscription The Cryptic Yid - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 894 days ago19:52 The Cryptic Yid has liked a video The True History Of The Jewish Slave Trade in America The Jewish Transatlantic Slave Trade 894 days ago17:14 The Cryptic Yid has uploaded a video Revenge Of The Neanderthal Jew Fantastic and very informative talk here regarding the dna and therefore the characteristic makeup of most jews today. 894 days ago17:12 The Cryptic Yid has uploaded a video How A Jew Became A Nazi - a Gott Mit Uns (God With Us) production b... CORRECTIONS: NAPOLEON: I have come to change my views entirely on Napoleon over the years, and I wish I could remake this video since I have become much wiser from my mistakes. Napoleon was not an atheist, nor was he fighting for England and their bankers. He was a much greater man than I ever gave him credit, a man who even Adolf Hitler admired... 894 days ago17:09 The Cryptic Yid has uploaded a video Jewopoly - Jews, Drugs, Monopoly and the Bible (a God With Us produ... "Jewopoly" explores the history of the drug trade and compares it to the Bible. Drugs have always been used as an instrument to control the people. As the drug culture rises in the Western world, our nations fall into degradation and will eventually lead us to our own destruction, unless we do something about it. "All that is nece... 934 days ago16:12 The Cryptic Yid has liked a video Tucker Carlson: "The ANTI-SEMITE Tony Martin" Link to original video: Disclaimer: we don't support Kristen Clarke whatsoever, but she is right about Dr. Tony Martin. #TuckerCarlson #Jews #BlackLivesMatter ☕ BUY US A COFFEE ☕ *SUBSCRIBE TO OUR BITCHUTE* *SUB... 943 days ago19:20 The Cryptic Yid has liked a video Liberal government cuts anti-racism group funding over antisemitic ... The Liberal government has cut funding to an outside group it hired to deliver anti-racism training after it was discovered that one of the group's leaders made antisemitic remarks in social media posts. #Liberal #CdnPoli #CBCNews Watch The National live on YouTube Sunday-Friday at 9 p.m. ET Subscribe to The National: https://www.youtub... 947 days ago22:37 The Cryptic Yid has disliked a video Clearly explained why Orthodox Jews refuse to serve in IDF Discover the facts about Zionism! The Zionists are anti-religious Jews, with one goal: to destroy the Jewish religion and culture. To achieve their goal, they created a movement called "Zionism" and later a state called "Israel", where they are constantly attacking the practice of Judaism in many ways, including attem... 956 days ago19:19 The Cryptic Yid has liked a video Understanding Freemasonry - The Secrets To The Universe 992 days ago12:57 The Cryptic Yid has liked a video Corona Is For The Non-Jews, Not For The Jews The COVID Injection Depopulation Perpetrators COVID Does Not Exist. Germ Theory Is Fraud. Why You Cannot "Catch" A Virus Virology Fraud Explained In 19 Minutes ... 992 days ago12:03 The Cryptic Yid has liked a video Pedophilia, The Religion Of The Jews Documentary Channel