Madeline_Mardigan followers 0 Your Subscription Madeline_Mardigan - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 701 days ago13:07 Madeline_Mardigan has liked a video 949 days ago06:34 Madeline_Mardigan has liked a video BUNCH OF GODDAMNED NIGGERS BEATING BABYS There's some replay vlips in here but damn a lot of new baby beatings... 1 was white baby being beat by dumb NIGGER bitch 950 days ago06:34 Madeline_Mardigan has liked a video Violent monkeys escape zoo and demand to be classified as human Niggers 950 days ago06:34 Madeline_Mardigan has liked a video Indisvid we prove niggers would actually enjoy being slaves in a ZO... Look how happy they are, back to your cages now monkies or well have to call the authorities (animal control) on you pesty ""rebels"" Give them more slurrpeee as long as they not gunning people down, slitting childrens throats, beating their lovers, or throwing kids off balconys at the mall..... just give them more slurrrp... 950 days ago06:31 Madeline_Mardigan has liked a video Gypsycrusader visits aftermath of NIGGER shoelacaust showah The shoelacaust showah 950 days ago06:25 Madeline_Mardigan has liked a video NIGGER "mother" abandoned her daughter during a mass shoo... Then uses the moment like it wuz a "AXE A DENT" To get a sob story