Jews_Are_Evil followers 0 Your Subscription Jews_Are_Evil - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 972 days ago20:13 truthseeker2022 has liked a video Dr. Lorraine Day - Exposing The Talmudic Jews Darryl Bradford Smith and Dr. Lorraine Day, October 24th, 2006. Esau is the progenitor of the Edomites and the elder brother of Jacob, the patriarch of the Israelites. Esau race mixed with the Edomites and later became known as the Esauites-Edomites which is today modern Jewry. Jews recognized their ancestral link with Esau. The Pharisees,... 972 days ago20:12 truthseeker2022 has liked a video WHAT IF I TOLD YOU, Exposing the Jews, Ryan Messano, July 30, 2022 *** What if I told you that there is a small group of religious people that took control of America's money in 1913, Federal reserve act, the 16th amendment, the income tax and the 17th amendment which is the election of two US senators from each state by popular vote which was a script to control all 100 senators in America. *** What if ... 980 days ago15:49 truthseeker2022 has disliked a video 980 days ago13:05 truthseeker2022 has disliked a video 980 days ago13:01 truthseeker2022 has disliked a video 982 days ago09:44 truthseeker2022 has liked a video Corona Rothschild protocols 2 of 4 June 2022 The origins of Satan. ... Please download all 4 parts, before you watch. This video aims at uncovering which jews are behind the attack against us, and in particular against the white people (ie Europeans). It begins with the Covid-vax, then moves on into mostly uncharted grounds. Evidence is provided to support my findings, that some jews are at war against us, and aga... 983 days ago11:59 truthseeker2022 has uploaded a video COVID19 Virus Or Its Variants Do NOT Exist: Dr.S.Scheik Over 1000 hours of research on COVID-19 scam! Free download of this booklet at- The world famous virus does not exist! The so called COVID symptoms are nothing but graphene oxide poisoning symptoms which become severe or deadly when vaccinated person is exposed to 5G radiation. 983 days ago10:29 truthseeker2022 has liked a video Corona Rothschild protocols 1 of 4 June 2022 Please download all 4 parts, before you watch. This video aims at uncovering which jews are behind the attack against us, and in particular against the white people (ie Europeans). It begins with the Covid-vax, then moves on into mostly uncharted grounds. Evidence is provided to support my findings, that some jews are at war against us, and aga... 983 days ago09:12 truthseeker2022 has liked a video Jack The Ripper / The Jewish Ritual Following a painstaking investigation conducted by businessman Russell Edwards the Jewish establishment has finally had to concede that the first known and most notorious modern serial killer ‘Jack the Ripper’ was in fact the Jewish immigrant from Poland Aaron Kosminski. Click here to find out more -