pastprovespresent followers 0 Your Subscription pastprovespresent - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1259 days ago18:09 pastprovespresent has liked a video Letting It Slip How Their Saturnian Talmudic Karma Works. None 1262 days ago21:53 pastprovespresent has liked a video The Mini Hydra Found In 'Vaccines' M: 1349 days ago19:35 pastprovespresent has liked a video Lessons of Babylon Race mixing Miscegenation comes from the Latin miscere, “to mix” and genus, “kind” and refers to sexual relations between individuals of different racial origins that lead to the production of children. Today it is known as “race mixing”. Merriam-Webster: “a mixture of races; especially: marriage, cohabitation, or sexual intercourse between a white person a... 1349 days ago13:02 pastprovespresent has liked a video Augustus Invictus movie - discover whether you are a slave or free ... From Fireside Chat number 2: 1349 days ago12:56 pastprovespresent has liked a video Israel's Online Military for Goyim Slave's CHARLES GIULIANI FULL ARCHIVE. JESUS THE JEW. RECRUITING GENTILES WITH CHRISTIANITY. JESUS THE SUPREMACIST PSYCHOPA... 1349 days ago11:45 pastprovespresent has liked a video Hundreds of DOCTORS get covid-19 AFTER being vaccinated, with dozen... Hundreds of DOCTORS get covid-19 AFTER being vaccinated, with dozens hospitalized. Article Link: Please Support My Work, Anything Helps! ALL Donations Go Directly To Website Development and Content Creation Donations Link Below: Thank you. https://cointr... 1349 days ago10:56 pastprovespresent has liked a video Revenge of Neanderthal Jews Jews are all descendants of Neanderthals. 1349 days ago09:03 pastprovespresent has liked a video Shrunken Head Ned Shoah w/ E Michael Jones, Fascifist, Based Tucker... Support GDL IRL activism or GoyimTV: GoyimTV Merch: Zelle: Cashapp: $goyimtv Bitcoin: 1P3pqQQvgKMnvuMgs8FYfGbbbX3yMqTqTs Buy us an Amazog giftcard and email to: Mail in a Check or Money Order made to: Handsome Truth Enterprises Box 248 911 L...