Ministry Of Mediocrity followers 14 Your Subscription Ministry Of Mediocrity - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1529 days ago03:10 MinistryOfMediocrity has liked a video Is the Covid19 Vaccine in the Bible? Yes 1529 days ago03:03 MinistryOfMediocrity has liked a video Tucker Carlson: "The ANTI-SEMITE Tony Martin" Link to original video: Disclaimer: we don't support Kristen Clarke whatsoever, but she is right about Dr. Tony Martin. #TuckerCarlson #Jews #BlackLivesMatter ☕ BUY US A COFFEE ☕ *SUBSCRIBE TO OUR BITCHUTE* *SUB... 1529 days ago02:26 MinistryOfMediocrity has uploaded a video MY DEAD GRANDFATHER WARNS OF THE MARK OF THE BEAST... The spirit world is real...real if you believe it,..... it's not real if you don't believe it. That's how God, Jesus, and the spirit world works, when you abandon God, God abandons you. It's simple really. 1529 days ago02:06 MinistryOfMediocrity has uploaded a video THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION MAY NOT TAKE PLACE IN A MAN MADE TEMP... How can a temple made by man be Gods holiest temple? Maybe it's not? 1719 days ago15:21 MinistryOfMediocrity has liked a video The Privilege No One Wants - VertigoPolitix Check out more VertigoPolitix and other videos on my bitchute channel here You can check out current VertigoPolitix videos here; This content was produced by VertigoPolitix and has not been altere... 1720 days ago03:34 MinistryOfMediocrity has uploaded a video I LOST MY TEMPER IN G STORE AND THEN I GO AND GET A COUPLE OF EVP C... The title says it all. 1720 days ago03:33 MinistryOfMediocrity has uploaded a video MORE EVP'S FROM A DIFFERENT GRAVEYARD. P.1 Spirits are all around us. 1731 days ago01:29 MinistryOfMediocrity has liked a video The Hell that is Chaz/ chop Seattle This is what happens when you want communism over capitalism 1731 days ago01:23 MinistryOfMediocrity has liked a video Did Jesus Warn Us of Many Led Astray by Voice & Light "Jes... Application of Matt. 24:4-5 & Luke 21:8 to Paul's experience in Acts 9 1731 days ago01:05 MinistryOfMediocrity has uploaded a video I GO ON AND ON ABOUT BLM, BITCH ABOUT MSM, DEFECT BEER CAN, HONK HO... Come for a wooded adventure! I make a shitty video justa for you!