WatchNewVids followers 1 Your Subscription WatchNewVids - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 953 days ago19:57 WatchNewVids has uploaded a video WEF Hires Hundreds of Thousands of PSYOPS Agents The NWO is recruiting brain-dead sheeple to help wage psychological warfare against humanity. 970 days ago21:47 WatchNewVids has uploaded a video White House Releases First Deepfake of Biden NWO begins using powerfully deceptive Deepfake technology. 980 days ago14:15 WatchNewVids has uploaded a video Puppet Biden Pushing Climate Change Hoax Power Grab The puppet has been instructed to scare the slaves with talk of climate change in order to continue the establishment of a one-world government. 982 days ago22:57 WatchNewVids has uploaded a video Sheeple Talk Vaccines A skit about how sheeple discuss vaccines. 985 days ago05:50 WatchNewVids has uploaded a video What is Shadow Banning? Shadow banning is a tool the NWO uses to suppress ideas that threaten it. 995 days ago23:34 WatchNewVids has uploaded a video Liberal World Order Destroying Food Plants Food processing plants are being destroyed to help drive up the prices and bring in the Liberal World Order.