Samisdat14 followers 16 Your Subscription Samisdat14 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 7 days ago12:04 Samisdat14 has liked a picture Fanya Kaplan & her attempted assassination of Stolypin 1906-Fanny Yefimovna Kaplan: Born Feiga Haimovna Roytblat into a Jewish family. In 1906 Kaplan was arrested in Kiev over her involvement in a terrorist bomb plot. On August 25, 1906, assassins bombed a public reception Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin was holding at his Dacha on Aptekarsky Island. Stolypin was only slightly injured by flying splint... 94 days ago02:52 Samisdat14 has liked a video MAGAtards Qtards Trust The Plan Traitors Sell Out USA For Debt Slav... Ray Richardson and The Maverick Artist Victor-Hugo discuss how MAGAtards and Qtards Trust The Plan while Traitors Sell Out USA For Debt Slavery. BREAKING NEWS: Revolution Radio, "Modern Art Gonzo Journalism Show" hosted by The Maverick Artist Victor… 94 days ago02:51 Samisdat14 has liked a video Monika Schaefer Presents - Tribute to Ursula Haverbeck, Dec 5, 2024 Letzte Aufzeichnung von Ursula Haverbeck vor ihrem Tod (Last record of Ursula Haverbeck before her death). (English subtitles) 94 days ago02:49 Samisdat14 has liked a video Ursula Haverbeck - In Gedenken an eine starke Persoenlichkeit! 20.1... Am 20.11.2024 verschied Ursula Haverbeck am Nachmittag Zuhause mit 96 Jahren. Ihr Anwalt Wolfram Nahrath verstaendigte die ihr nahestehenden Menschen. Geboren wurde sie am 8.11.1928 und kaempfte bis zum letzten Tag fuer die wahre Deutsche Geschichte. Der nochmalige Gang in ein Gefaengnis fuer eine Aussage von 2015 blieb ihr nun erspart. Mi... 94 days ago02:47 Samisdat14 has liked a video SS PRINZESSIN VICTORIA LUISE: The First Cruise Ship (1901) As the brainchild of Albert Ballin, general director of HAPAG, the PRINZESSIN VICTORIA LUISE was the first purpose-built cruise ship. Her passenger accommodation was devoted entirely to First Class passengers. Her clipper bow, white livery, gold scrollwork, and twin funnels made her as beautiful as she was luxurious. Ballin's vision of a de...