Mystery Babylon Exposed followers 17 Your Subscription Mystery Babylon Exposed - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 255 days ago14:29 Freedfromevil has uploaded a video What you see when you take off the Zionist Glasses This video is a hodge podge of recent events and expose clips. Whitney Webb clips, Nathaniel Kapner, Stew Peters and other misc. clips. 256 days ago04:45 Freedfromevil has liked a video Jew Exposes Jews, July 10, 2024 At least he's not afraid to tell the truth. 256 days ago19:57 Freedfromevil has uploaded a video Whose Star is this? Is the Hexagram the Star of David or Solomon, o... This video explores the question of whether the Hexagram really is the so-called Star of David. Is this provable, or is it just a tradition? What does the Bible have to say about a Star that is used as a symbol? Who used it, and how did the God of the Scriptures feel about it? 256 days ago19:56 Freedfromevil has uploaded a video Closet Witches part 2 - Interview with Jack Chick This is a tape first put out in 1986. It is an eye opening testimony of a top level witch named Elaine Moses who left Satan and came to Christ. Below is a link to a written transcript of this tape: 256 days ago19:55 Freedfromevil has uploaded a video Closet Witches part 1 - Interview by Jack Chick This is a tape first put out in 1986. It is an eye opening testimony of a top level witch named Elaine Moses who left Satan and came to Christ. Listen to part 2 at this link: Below is a link to a written transcript of this tape: 256 days ago19:54 Freedfromevil has uploaded a video Evil History of Kabbalah Clips from a documentary I found that gives a concise evil history of the Kabbalah. This video shares information about how Kabbalah was given by a fallen angel named Raziel and how eventually the Knights Templar adopted it - all the way through Satanist Allister Crowley's use of it. This video really does capture the occult aspect of thi... 256 days ago19:54 Freedfromevil has uploaded a video John Nelson Darby, Freemasonry & The Pyramids What did John Nelson Darby teach about Freemasonry? This video shows he was friendly to Freemasonry. I further explore his disciple Clarence Larkin's obsession with the Great Pyramid of Egypt and how he spreads the New World order teaching of the mystics about the Great Pyramid. To find John Darby's quotes please visit: https://www.lib... 256 days ago19:53 Freedfromevil has uploaded a video The Red String Kabbalah Club 256 days ago19:52 Freedfromevil has uploaded a video Detoxing Zionist Prophecy Teachings "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." ~Voltaire In this video I cover recent news about draconian laws that Israel wants to pass making it illegal and with jail time amounting up to two years for witnessing to someone about Jesus. Then I cover how Florida's Ron DeSantis actually made ... 256 days ago19:51 Freedfromevil has uploaded a video Role of the Jews in Mystery Babylon Many watchmen have identified The Roman Catholic Church or Rome as Mystery Babylon while overlooking the role of the Jews in Mystery Babylon. This video shows that the present day Judaism is the Queen of Mystery Babylon. Her Oral Traditions of man in the Kabbalah is the fuel for all kinds of witcraft, the New Age, Freemasonry and the New World O...