BNPforever followers 0 Your Subscription BNPforever - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 56 days ago19:58 BNPforever has liked a video The jewish question EXPLAINED âšœï¸ Anti-White Archives Anti-White Archives is a backup for all types of anti-White content, from culture to politics. Download our content and re-upload it everywhere using these tools: YouTube Instagram 'Downloader for Instagram' Facebook Twitter 'Download Twitter Videos' Our pages: YouTube https://yout... 56 days ago19:57 BNPforever has liked a video And Their Lies Martin Luther in 1543 wrote a book called On The Jews and Their Lies. 56 days ago19:57 BNPforever has liked a video The Holocaust?! 6 Million Jews?! Read the Newspapers! 1915 - 1935 Titel: 6 Millionen (Zeitungen 1915 - 1938) Quelle: Kanal: Aufrufe: 13 Upload: 3.7.2022 Original: (Englisch) Das ist nicht unbedingt mein spektakulaerstes Video. Aber es zeigt "etwas" ganz deutlich. Welches klar aufzeigt, dass man diese &q... 56 days ago19:57 BNPforever has liked a video The Six Million Fact or Fiction SERIES, Chap 3, Lies, Sept 4, 2021 The Six Million Fact or Fiction SERIES, Peter Winter, Chap 3: Commonly said Lies and Distortions 56 days ago19:57 BNPforever has liked a video Elegy For 600 - Satanic Jew Sassoon Push Opium Onto 600 Million Chi... The Rothschild Jews have a fortune estimated at 500 trillion U.S. dollars and much of that originally came from the sale of their deadly opium in China 200 years ago. Jews are masters of deception and genocides. DOPE INC - Jewish Freemasonry, HSBC Bank Created The Opium Drug Trade Dr. John Coleman ... 56 days ago19:57 BNPforever has liked a video In The Name Of Zion 3: The Six Million "Israel won the war [WW I]; we made it; we thrived on it; we profited from it. It was our supreme revenge on Christianity." - (The Jewish Ambassador from Austria to London, Count Mensdorf, 1918) "Should Germany merchandise (do business) again in the next 50 years we have led this war (WW1) in vain." - (Winston Churchill in... 56 days ago19:57 BNPforever has liked a video The Six Million Fact or Fiction SERIES, Chap 2, The 6 Million Numbe... The Six Million Fact or Fiction SERIES, Peter Winter, Chap 2: THE 6 MILLION NUMBER 56 days ago19:56 BNPforever has liked a video Russia Ukraine, Propaganda, Climate Lies, Green Lies, Evil Transsex... Follow us while you still can: GAB: Entropy: TeleGram: DLive: Odysee: Goyim TV: Minds: BitChute... 56 days ago19:56 BNPforever has liked a video Tell me lies...tell me sweet little lies...WARNING ADULT THEMES/CON... Keep your eyes wide open. Then don't believe what you see. Who are we seeing on the TV? Is Fauci really Fauci? Is Biden really Biden? How can we tell? Are they robots? Is it even worse than that? Source: Disclosure Library. Check out the Disclosure Library Channel Here: More videos you may have... 56 days ago19:56 BNPforever has liked a video White Lies, More Lies, and Karma Subscribe to TDV: CryptoVigilante on Twitter: Buy My Book; "The Controlled Demolition of The American Empire": As video platforms shut us down be sure to follow us on these platforms: