YEwasright followers 8 Your Subscription YEwasright - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 880 days ago22:08 YEwasright has liked a video Did Muhammad go to Heaven? A true prophet of GOD should be able to teach us how to be reconciled back to GOD however F.P.M didn't know GOD so he had no idea how to show other people the way. JESUS is the way the truth and the life. Ministry of the WORD. If you would like to Donate to this Ministry here is the link: 881 days ago06:14 YEwasright has liked a video SURF THE KALI YUGA NIGGER DISCLAIMER: i am (obviously) not affiliated with BMSS, i just love the band :-)☺︎☺︎!! goyproducts ?? this is gonna be a one-off probably, i don't really wanna do music vids alrite!!!?! 881 days ago03:35 YEwasright has liked a video Maintenance tech vs crazy lady and her dog I explain what just happened to me as I entered a tenants home. Her preverbal dungeon of despair 881 days ago03:33 YEwasright has uploaded a video Did Muhammad go to Heaven? A true prophet of GOD should be able to teach us how to be reconciled back to GOD however F.P.M didn't know GOD so he had no idea how to show other people the way. JESUS is the way the truth and the life. Ministry of the WORD. If you would like to Donate to this Ministry here is the link: 881 days ago03:30 YEwasright has uploaded a video the war on christmas 881 days ago03:27 YEwasright has uploaded a video my stripper story Im back and trying out the new webcam and software 881 days ago03:23 YEwasright has uploaded a video The Cube. Occultscience101 Occultscience101 upload 8/17/2012 I an not the author of this video. 881 days ago03:20 YEwasright has uploaded a video YAHWEY IS SATURN , SATURN IS SATAN , NSTFU OccultScience101 Occultscience101. I am not the author of this video. 881 days ago03:14 YEwasright has uploaded a video Maintenance tech vs crazy lady and her dog I explain what just happened to me as I entered a tenants home. Her preverbal dungeon of despair 882 days ago01:43 YEwasright has liked a video 666 THE CULT OF SATURN None