systheguy followers 0 Your Subscription systheguy - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 570 days ago11:31 systheguy has liked a video Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney plandemic, vaccines, 5g and gen... Source The government has been preparing for this for years now and it will be "released" in October 2023 according to attorney Todd Callender. … 572 days ago12:51 systheguy has commented on Very Powerful Documentary Even if there might have been some valuable info contained in the above video (which I seriously doubt) it seems to have been geared to those with the mentality of an 8 year old at best. 572 days ago12:49 systheguy has disliked a video Very Powerful Documentary very very powerful. Playlist: Support the Show: CashApp: $OMGitsFLOOD HandCash: $OMGitsFLOOD Crypto: Bitcoin - bc1qcd4keeerclf8llp4w5quatjzrytdaawt0pamrh Etherium - 0x05dEE030ebd5f1DBC0a984Db6c619627f1908a19 LTC - ltc1qyk5v9keqaa74rj9trtfya... 572 days ago12:41 systheguy has commented on Far Superior, Well-Disciplined Third Reich Germ... General Patton probably said it best, "We've destroyed the finest race in all of Europe." He also said, "We've been fighting the wrong enemy." He was unfortunately correct on both counts. 572 days ago12:38 systheguy has commented on Regarding Trump: Awake Vs Woke, Sept 3, 2023 Trump is in the back pockets of the U NO Whooz! 572 days ago12:31 systheguy has commented on Negative Shows Incoming Bomb in Beirut - The Wo... @JewsDid9-11: You're just noticing this now? I've been kept from posting several truths both here and on Bit Shyte. 572 days ago12:27 systheguy has commented on Former member of Israeli Knesset celebrates Bei... What Jews do best: LIE, CHEAT, STEAL and last but DEFINITELY not least, MURDER. 572 days ago12:26 systheguy has commented on Former member of Israeli Knesset celebrates Bei... @NoLies: When one understands clearly that ALL of Israel's 'laws' are based upon the Talmud, it becomes easy to understand just how evil Israel's government truly is. How can I say this? Becauseand I FULLY understand that the Talmud IS totally Satanic. 572 days ago12:22 systheguy has commented on Former member of Israeli Knesset celebrates Bei... @MichaelThomas: My only doubt is that it was a nuke. If so, it must have been a neutron bomb or something newer that left little to no radiation lingering. 572 days ago12:18 systheguy has disliked a video Former member of Israeli Knesset celebrates Beirut blast as 'g... Moshe Feiglin sparked outrage online when celebrated the Beirut explosion that killed over 150 people, in a Facebook post, the former Likud party member said the blast was a gift in time for the Jewish festival Tu B’Av. Subscribe to our channel: Middle East Eye Website: Like us on Facebo...