Saiyan followers 0 Your Subscription Saiyan - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 849 days ago18:22 Saiyan has favorited a video THE KANYE YOU CRAVE EDITION!!! Is Kanye (Ye) West a shill? does he Glow? Or is Ye good for the cause? that's for you to decide please let me know what y'all think in comments WFP 1488 o/ 863 days ago06:32 Saiyan has liked a video VertigoPolitix Choosing Our Own Destiny You can also find me here: Videos, written works, etc I share are not my creations unless otherwise specified. #Worldwar2 #wwii #nationalsocialism #thirdreich #nsdap #jwo #nwo #communismkills #whitegenocide #...