Rosie88 followers 0 Your Subscription Rosie88 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1527 days ago23:16 Rosie88 has liked a video Fixing hippies with Nazism Jan Lamprecht speaks. We study the most brilliant American who has lived in a long time. George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American NAZI party! This man, with a handful of White followers did the impossible. HistoryReviewed More excellence from Jan here on my channel...... 1527 days ago23:11 Rosie88 has liked a video 1531 days ago19:43 Rosie88 has liked a video Satanic Pedophilia, Torture and Blood: Dark Satanic Secrets Revealed The darkest truth you will ever learn about. Watch at your own risk. Jesus is king of kings. Although this documentary was made by a Muslim, there is a lot of good information so don’t throw the baby out with the bath water...that’s what satanists do. 1531 days ago19:29 Rosie88 has liked a document National Socialism Now - by William Joyce This is a pre-WWII 57 page booklet produced by the National Socialist League which was run by William Joyce. “National Socialism, no matter who may use the term or feel the spirit first, must arise from soil and people or not at all. It springs from no temporary grievance, but from the revolutionary yearning of the people to cast off the ch... 1531 days ago19:27 Rosie88 has liked a document FLYER TALMUD FLYER TALMUD 1531 days ago19:26 Rosie88 has liked a document Judaism In Action JUDAISM IN ACTION COLLECTION OF DATA ORGANIZED AND PUT INTO BOOK FORM IN 1963 The Author Did Not Leave Us His Name, Most Likely Owing To The Data Contained Herein Was Dangerous To His Well-Being, In The Country Where He Resided. His Main Theme Is: “Judaism in Action means many things; Communism is Judaism in Action, Bolshevism is J... 1531 days ago19:25 Rosie88 has liked a document [Eustace_Mullins]_Alfred_Rosenberg__The_Track_Of the jew throuth th... [Eustace_Mullins]_Alfred_Rosenberg__The_Track_Of the jew throuth the ages