kikeshitdiamonds followers 0 Your Subscription kikeshitdiamonds - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1540 days ago01:17 kikeshitdiamonds has liked a video FORMER BLACK LIVES MATTER MEMBER EXPOSES (((BLM))) AS a JEWISH MOVE... Former Black Lives Matter Ferguson Organizer, Chaziel Sunz exposed BLM, Democrats, ANTIFA, etc. In 2017, Chaziel Sunz shined the light on who pays for ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, what the plan is of the Democratic Party using the groups. 1553 days ago00:40 kikeshitdiamonds has liked a video The Vaticans Satanic Crypto Jews Exposed If Donald Trump wins the election he will pass Laws against knowing the truth about Jews, and shut down websites. DOWNLOAD AND SAVE ALL IMPORTANT VIDEOS TO AN EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE. Use to download videos CONTACT ME ON SKYPE: Below are links to other channels fighting the good fight.... 1553 days ago00:02 kikeshitdiamonds has liked a video *FIRE FIGHTER PROVES NO FACE MASKS ARE SAFE" None 1553 days ago23:26 kikeshitdiamonds has liked a video IsraAID Responding in Hurricane Affected Guatemala Link to original video: "In November 2020, central Guatemala was hit by two major storms in quick succession: Tropical Storm Eta and Hurricane Iota. IsraAID is one of few international organizations with a team on the ground in Alta Verapaz province, providing urgent support to affected communitie... 1554 days ago08:28 kikeshitdiamonds has liked a video Do the Handicapped and Jews Go to Hell A clip of South Park from Season 4, Episode 9. 1554 days ago23:39 kikeshitdiamonds has liked a video The True Origins of Kwanzaa, Hanukkah & Christmas (The Story Be... This is one of our classics, it was first uploaded December 18, 2015. In the multicultural west we are told to say Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas or these days Happy Holidays as to not offend others. Lana tells about the true origins of newcomer holidays such as Kwanzaa and Hanukkah. Where did these holidays originate? Are the...