newpoodlemom followers 0 Your Subscription newpoodlemom - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 355 days ago15:36 newpoodlemom has commented on Aquamation, Better than Cremation, Apr 6, 2024 come on now, the video is not showing any proof of what they are saying. The video is showing a cremation chamber and the bones are what is left for the family of the deceased to have. It would not surprise me if there was ppl eating other people but there is no proof in this video. 452 days ago17:36 newpoodlemom has commented on (January 1st, 2024) 明けましておめでとうござい... wow. that was kool... 457 days ago18:21 newpoodlemom has favorited a video Holocaust Survivor - Head Spiked with 12-inch Spike, Dec 26, 2023 This is what happens when they spike your head. 457 days ago18:21 newpoodlemom has commented on Holocaust Survivor - Head Spiked with 12-inch S... "Too bad this short but, poignent video cant be shared on UT or FB." 478 days ago12:59 newpoodlemom has disliked a video Indian Scammer vs Spiritual Scammer Watch full episode here: ABOUT THE BAPTIST BIAS The Baptist Bias is a Christian podcast that doesn't hide its bias. We view the world with a Baptist Bias. This means that we view the world through the lens of the King James Bible. While... 478 days ago12:59 newpoodlemom has commented on Indian Scammer vs Spiritual Scammer too dogmatic for me....cant stomach this. 481 days ago13:15 newpoodlemom has disliked a video Lordship salvation is FALSE and EVIL 481 days ago13:15 newpoodlemom has commented on Lordship salvation is FALSE and EVIL Believing in a deity no matter what name you give it, is a construct of this dungon programing and keep you as a slave to this matrix reality. This is just a pretty way to repackage the religion group think so you do not realize your individual creator self. 485 days ago13:58 newpoodlemom has liked a document Nice Jews _ Peter Quiggins (Tierney) ''Killer Culture... Nice Jews _ Peter Quiggins (Tierney) ''Killer Culture''