ZSlayer followers 0 Your Subscription ZSlayer - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 20 days ago06:21 ZSlayer has liked a video Meet Matthew North: THEY KILLED HIM FOR MAKING THIS VIDEO.. DEAD IN... ⚠️PLEASE SUPPORT FREEDOM! GRAB A HAT & A SHIRT! - THANK YOU! https://billyjones.creator-spring.com/ ⚠️Bill Gates' Colombian DEATH SKEETERS - https://old.bitchute.com/video/t5SeRtP7uIUw/ ⚠️KITTY - https://old.bitchute.com/video/eHm5joyF9aTt/ … 21 days ago06:11 ZSlayer has favorited a video JOE ROGAN EXPOSED AS JEW PSYOP LETS DEBATE, OR CONVERSATE. SKYPE: ICONOCLAST-RADIO http://www.blacknazis.com/jewish-gun-control-agenda/ Thank You For Watching!, Subscribe If You Like My Content!, But More Importantly Like & Share So My Videos Can Be Seen By More People. If You Have Been Offended, Change My Mind. Lets Talk About It On My Radio Program. Copyright Disclaimer... 21 days ago00:50 ZSlayer has liked a video JOE ROGAN EXPOSED AS JEW PSYOP LETS DEBATE, OR CONVERSATE. SKYPE: ICONOCLAST-RADIO http://www.blacknazis.com/jewish-gun-control-agenda/ Thank You For Watching!, Subscribe If You Like My Content!, But More Importantly Like & Share So My Videos Can Be Seen By More People. If You Have Been Offended, Change My Mind. Lets Talk About It On My Radio Program. Copyright Disclaimer... 59 days ago21:13 ZSlayer has favorited a video Jim and Diane Present - Black History Month DONE RIGHT, Feb 8, 2020 Jim and Diane Present - Black History Month Tribute, Feb 8, 2020 - Jay Fayz, THE MYTH OF WHITE PRIVILEGE, Louis Farrakhan and Tony Martin - The TRUE STORY OF (JEW-RUN) BLACK SLAVERY, Dave Rubin Presents Larry Elder,THE FALLACY OF RACISM 59 days ago18:10 ZSlayer has favorited a video "Jewish Communities Had Very Little Influence In The US...&quo... Link to original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEA19QkHfMk "For over 75 Years, JCPA has been the organized Jewish community’s primary convener and consensus-builder, community relations powerhouse, and policy advocate. JCPA is a network of 125 Jewish Community Relations Councils (JCRCs) and 16 Jewish national agencies, and the on... 889 days ago00:59 ZSlayer has favorited a video The Eternal Jew Jews explained. 889 days ago00:59 ZSlayer has liked a video The Eternal Jew Jews explained. 902 days ago17:33 ZSlayer has favorited a video Sun Yat-sen - A Crypto-Jew, Rothschild Agent, "Father Of The R... Sun Yat-sen, he is called the "Father of the Nation" in Taiwan, and depicted as the "Forerunner of the Revolution" in Mainland China. He served as the first leader of the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party of China). Sun Yat-sen was not a Chinese; he was a Crypto-Jew, Rothschild's agent, illegally established the centralizati... 902 days ago17:33 ZSlayer has liked a video Sun Yat-sen - A Crypto-Jew, Rothschild Agent, "Father Of The R... Sun Yat-sen, he is called the "Father of the Nation" in Taiwan, and depicted as the "Forerunner of the Revolution" in Mainland China. He served as the first leader of the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party of China). Sun Yat-sen was not a Chinese; he was a Crypto-Jew, Rothschild's agent, illegally established the centralizati... 902 days ago17:11 ZSlayer has favorited a video