Prabhupada Truth followers 221 Your Subscription Prabhupada Truth - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 622 days ago01:17 Mukunda.dasa108 has uploaded a video UNDERSTANDING THE CULTURE DISTORTERS AND THEIR OBSESSION WITH THE W... In this video i will discuss the fundamental reason behind the culture distorters obsession with the white race. I shall also look at how this is part of a great fight for supremacy over the earth between the forces of divine and demon... 1255 days ago21:00 Mukunda.dasa108 has uploaded a video World Doctors Warn: DO NOT take mRNA shot World Doctors Warn: DO NOT take mRNA shot 1255 days ago20:58 Mukunda.dasa108 has uploaded a video Magnet Medley – Compliation of Magnets Sticking the Convid 1984 I... Magnet Medley – Compliation of Magnets Sticking the Convid 1984 Injection Sites… 1255 days ago20:53 Mukunda.dasa108 has uploaded a video Hear Me Loud and Hear Me Clear – It’s a CON – ADV Speaks Hear Me Loud and Hear Me Clear – It’s a CON – ADV Speaks ---- Amandha Dawn Vollmer speaking some great truths 1255 days ago20:50 Mukunda.dasa108 has uploaded a video THE TEN INCARNATIONS OF GOD Who's who of the Dashavatara? Numbered from the upper left corner anti-clockwise: ॠ1. Lord Matsya, the fish incarnation; ॠ2. Lord Kurma, the tortoise incarnation; ॠ3. Lord Varaha, the boar incarnation; ॠ4. Lord Nrsimhadeva, the man-lion incarnation; ॠ5. Lord ... 1255 days ago20:41 Mukunda.dasa108 has uploaded a video BREAKING THE KARMIC CHAINS OF HUMANITY You have created this situation. You must be killed. You may be American or Englishman or German or this or that. You may be very proud of your nationality. But you must be killed.†This is the position. Isvarasya vicestitam. “You have killed so many animals. Now wholes... 1255 days ago20:37 Mukunda.dasa108 has uploaded a video UK LOCKDOWN ENDS - "We're Being Conditioned to Accept Ou... On Monday the 12th of April the UK came out of a three month lockdown. The people are now so happy to be free to again live their lives. What we should understand is that these lockdowns are being used to conditioned us to accept our fr... 1255 days ago20:29 Mukunda.dasa108 has uploaded a video COVID 1984 ESSENTIAL WORKERS THE JEWISH VENGEANCE We need to take revenge, this is the jewish way, this is the jewish way, this is the jewish way. Look at the face of jewish covid 1984 vengeance. 1255 days ago20:23 Mukunda.dasa108 has uploaded a video JOHN FURY ON THE COVID POLICE STATE – “Life Will Never Be The S... John Fury (father of heavyweight boxing champion Tyson Fury) tells it as it is: “Life will never be the same again… get used to it!†1255 days ago20:20 Mukunda.dasa108 has uploaded a video THE J00 HAS PENETRATED THE MIND OF THE NORMIE & THEY WILL VOLUN... This Is an Excerpt From the Newest Lecture From Alex on Life and Its Another Masterpiece. " Do You Know the J00 ? Do You Feel the J00 ? The J00 Has Penetrated the Mind of the Normie And Now They Will Voluntarily Kill Themsel...