Saturn followers 0 Your Subscription Saturn - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1376 days ago09:32 Saturn has liked a video WACIST SONG WACIST SONG 1377 days ago10:46 Saturn has liked a video The TRUE GOD of the WHITE MAN The TRUE GOD of the WHITE MAN 1377 days ago10:35 Saturn has liked a video Goyim Defense League spreading the message, LOUDLY haha Goyim Defense League spreading the message, LOUDLY haha 1377 days ago10:05 Saturn has liked a video Whites are the bad guys Great video 1451 days ago06:04 Saturn has liked a video JudeoBolshevik Rape and Cover up GER with ENG SUB Research: Jewish Ritual Murder, Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited, Jura Lina The Jewish Hand in Bolshevism, The Other Israel, The Jewish conspiracy, Understanding anti-semitism, The Khazarian Conspiracy, A Devil in disguise, Auschwitz the Missing Cyanide, Judea declares war on Germany, Dumb portrayal of evil Buchenwald, David Cole at Auschwitz, One...