Jeremiah 31:31 followers 69 Your Subscription Jeremiah 31:31 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1101 days ago01:23 Carl Behrens has uploaded a video The Kabbalah and the Protestant Reformation For more videos like this that are banned on YouTube please subscribe to my other channels & my podcast: Odysee Telegram Mass locations for the SSPV: Mass locations for the SSPX-MC: Audio only podcas... 1301 days ago06:54 Carl Behrens has uploaded a video King St. Louis IX - A Foreshadowing of the Great Catholic Monarch t... For more videos like this that are banned on YouTube please subscribe to my other channels: Audio only podcast: Mass locations for the SSPV: Mass locations for the SSPX-MC: 1301 days ago06:42 Carl Behrens has uploaded a video Our Lady of Guadalupe Documentary - Amazing Scientific Analysis December 1531, Mexico. The Virgin Mary appears to a Indian humble peasant, but nobody believes in him. On Her request the Indian wraps in his "tilma" some Castilian roses, mysteriously flowered on a bared scree. In front of the Bishop he opens the cap discovering the miracle: the image of the Virgin is impressed upon it. The image is e... 1321 days ago16:23 Carl Behrens has uploaded a video The New Mass vs Protestant Rites (A History of the Destruction of ... For more videos like this that are banned on YouTube please subscribe to my other channels: or Mass location for the SSPV: locations for the SSPX-MC: 1321 days ago16:15 Carl Behrens has uploaded a video The Diabolical Secret of the New Mass (Part 2 of 2) For more content like this which is banned on YouTube please subscribe to my Rumble Channel at This link is to the entire document: Below are links to articles and books from Chiesa Viva: https://padrepioandchiesaviva... 1368 days ago18:01 Carl Behrens has uploaded a video The Love of the Sacred Heart by St. Mechtilde (1241-1298) From Chris at Defeat Modernism Over 300 years before the revelations of the Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque there were the revelations of the Sacred Heart to St. Mechtilde (1241-1298) a Benedictine nun and friend of St. Gertrude the Great. Lovers of the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus wil... 1449 days ago18:28 Carl Behrens has uploaded a video ISRAEL´S MESSIAH?? - Jiziahu Ben David SHOWED UP ON MARCH 27TH! 📣 The head Rabbi´s are saying that they have crowned their Messiah, Ben David in private and will crown him soon in public. Jiziahu Ben David has been anointed and ordained. This is mirrored from wallytron101 on YT and this channel does not state with certainty that this is Moshiach nor does it neccesarily endorse their views. This is ... 1457 days ago16:30 Carl Behrens has uploaded a video Jew pilled trad Bp Williamson on the Importance of Faith and JQ. Bishop Williamson sits down for an interview on radio. This is probably the interview where Bp Wiiliamson was disciplined for telling the truth about what happened during the "holocaust." 1467 days ago18:33 Carl Behrens has uploaded a video "Paradoxical immune enhancement phenomenon" There is a raging debate in our government. How should America respond to the Coronavirus crisis? With therapeutic drugs? Or with a vaccine? Dr. Anthony Fauci is predictably shining a spotlight on risky and uncertain coronavirus vaccines that may not be available for two years, rather than prioritizing the short-term therapies that patients need... 1470 days ago20:56 Carl Behrens has liked a video Kabbalah and Science: Nothing new under the Sun. A simple and brief proof that Kabbalah is an evil false serpent religion. What if I told you that our entire reality has been sculpted around the Zohar and quickened with technology. Much of this is the Canaanite pagan religion that SOME of the Torah Hebrews fell away from when some built idols for sacrifice to the Golden Bull and at times Mo...