Missytodd followers 32 Your Subscription Missytodd - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 2 days ago17:36 Missytodd has commented on GTV 746 resync @Aplu: All the original Christians were Israelites. Their lineage traced through the father's side. Modern day jews are Edomites, their lineage traced through the mother's side. Jews admit that theyre Edomites within their own encyclopedias & almanacs. Modern day Judaism came along 500 years after Christ's resurrection. jews are lying name & heritage stealers. jews have subverted every single White European institution, including religion. Should we abandon ALL of the institutions that we created because its been subverted? Christians segregated & subjugated the jews for centuries. Christianity had strict immigration & misegeny laws also. I understand being down on the current state of Christianity, because i also am. BUT I'm not allowing the jews to take away Christianity from the European people who built it. 2 days ago16:53 Missytodd has commented on GTV 746 resync So beautiful. 2 days ago16:46 Missytodd has disliked a video GTV 746 resync GTV 746 resync 4 days ago19:52 Missytodd has commented on GTV 745 resync That "ancestral music" is so cringe. 4 days ago19:51 Missytodd has disliked a video GTV 745 resync GTV 745 resync 49 days ago15:20 Missytodd has liked a video 718th GTV 718th GTV 66 days ago23:21 Missytodd has liked a video Black Ice Black Ice 69 days ago03:59 Missytodd has liked a video 704th GTV 704th RA HB