Duncan Sayler followers 9 Your Subscription Duncan Sayler - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 477 days ago08:07 Duncan_Sayler has liked a video No Nigger Zone - Based Asian Full video from multiple angles Based Asian established a No Nigger Zone , the nigger calls himself and the asian nigger , after he is declared a victim by the media. The asian got arrested and fired from his job... 481 days ago20:49 Duncan_Sayler has liked a video Jews Are The Problem, Ayo Kimathi, Dec 2, 2023 Jews ARE the problem 562 days ago17:04 Duncan_Sayler has liked a video Zyklon Don - Kikes Harvest of Despair (Holodomor) The 1933 Ukrainian Famine https://archive.org/details/harvestofdespairholodomorthe1933ukrainianfamine Third Reich Music Vids: https://archive.org/details/thirdreichmusicvids LYRICS: [Hook] Kikes - All white countries have them. Kikes - We all need to expel them. Kikes - All white countries have them. Kikes - Before... 562 days ago14:33 Duncan_Sayler has liked a video Welcome to Crown Heights Welcome to Crown Heights 584 days ago01:24 Duncan_Sayler has liked a video Inside Cassadaga Join us as we explore Florida's mystical town of Cassadaga. 608 days ago06:27 Duncan_Sayler has liked a video RFK Meets NYC Jewish Boss | "He is No Anti-Semite!!" Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USlJQ0gt-4g #NYC #RFK #Jews ? SUB OUR TELEGRAM ?: https://t.me/joinchat/8crgRT4G4j0yMzI0 *SUB OUR ODYSEE* https://odysee.com/$/invite/@ZionistReport:6 *SUB OUR GAB* https://gab.com/ZionistReport *SUB OUR BITCHUTE* https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Z8w9bQGzcxGO/