NSDAP followers 12 Your Subscription NSDAP - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 530 days ago11:39 NSDAP has liked a video 484th GTV 484th GTV 565 days ago08:29 NSDAP has commented on MARCH OF TIME Presents Inside "Nazi" ... no propaganda like this about bolahevicks red scare 565 days ago08:28 NSDAP has liked a video MARCH OF TIME Presents Inside "Nazi" Germany 1938, Aug 25... Good vintage film about Germany prewar but still ANTI-NS GERMAN PROPAGANDA 569 days ago05:24 NSDAP has liked a video The Flood - 082523 - 0093 - #FuhrerFriday! w/ Special Guest Harry Vox! Harry Vox stops by at about 1:30:00 . I thought we had a good chat. Though I was unaware of all of Harry's feelings about some friends of mine, in retrospect, I think he tried to give a good interview. Some audio was clipped at his request. Overall, I personally appreciate anyone who is naming jews, and while we may not agree on everythi... 668 days ago06:16 NSDAP has commented on ActivistVideoLong1280x960 Du bist eine großartige Inspiration, hier in den USA sind auch viele Deutsche und Russen totale Idioten 668 days ago06:12 NSDAP has liked a video ActivistVideoLong1280x960 673 days ago06:05 NSDAP has commented on ChildrenOf TheSun geez poor guy, those fucking jew bastards at adl, are sick ass fuck happy with yourselves you pieces of shit???? how many kids are you planning on killing/torturing for being antisemitic??? with your new laws?? fucking disgusting parasites, get the fuck out of America!!!! you dont belong here! go back to Israel and take your faggot ass adl and aipac with you and all your retarded subverting agencies. go hide under floorboards of bakeries to poisen innocent people you fucking pathetic satan worshipping JEWS!!! 673 days ago06:05 NSDAP has liked a video ChildrenOf TheSun My favorite creation.. Source Music: https://youtu.be/GNKgth44EIk 968 days ago04:50 NSDAP has liked a video 262nd GOYIMTV.TV LIVESTREAM: HT on Omegle !!! 262nd