viking1984 followers 0 Your Subscription viking1984 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1000 days ago20:09 viking1984 has liked a video Nazi Cab Driver Defends Wearing Swastika Armband Describing himself as a 'National Socialist,' New York City cab driver Gabriel Diaz talks with CBS 2's Lou Young about the Nazi armband he was caught wearing in his cab. Official Site: YouTube: Twitter: @cbsnewyork Facebook: 1024 days ago21:31 viking1984 has liked a video Tampa: Anti-Semitic Flyers Found! Jewish Community On Edge! Link to original video: "Tampa Jewish community leaders warned constituents of anti-Semitic actions that took place over the weekend." #Tampa #SaintPetersburg #FreeSpeech ₿ Support Our Cause ₿ (send BTC with a message) 📱 SUB OUR TELEGRAM 📱: http... 1071 days ago20:53 viking1984 has liked a video Jewish Pirates - Fleeing the Inquisition After the Alhambra Decree was put into place by Ferdinand and Isabella in Spain, the Spanish Inquisition kicked off in full. It was no longer legal to live in Spain as a Jewish person. One had to convert, or leave to never return. And many Jewish communities chose the latter. And of the Jewish people who were forced from their homes, some took t... 1084 days ago23:07 viking1984 has liked a video The Ringworm Children: A Jewish Genocide The Ringworm Children: Zionist Eugenics of the Sephardim "The deliberate mass radiation poisoning of 100,000 young Israeli immigrants from North African and Middle Eastern countries (Sephardim)" 1088 days ago18:24 viking1984 has liked a video ViaSat-NSA Mossad Agent Adam Green Of Know More News Exposed About Adam Green ( Adam Green is a citizen journalist, independent filmmaker, political activist, and geopolitical researcher from San Diego. He holds a degree in business from California State University, East Bay, where he studied finance, marketing and psychology. In 2014, Adam Green founded the Know More News Yo... 1088 days ago18:19 viking1984 has liked a video Corona Is For The Non-Jews, Not For The Jews The COVID Injection Depopulation Perpetrators COVID Does Not Exist. Germ Theory Is Fraud. Why You Cannot "Catch" A Virus Virology Fraud Explained In 19 Minutes ... 1088 days ago17:41 viking1984 has liked a video Jew Volodymyr Zelensky - From A Dancing Queen To President Of Ukraine In 2014, Ukrainian President Jew Volodymyr Zelensky dancing in high heels, accompanied by three other men in similar transvestite attire, thrusts, twirls, and even does a headstand in the raunchy get-up. The others are thought to be fellow actors Yevgeniy Koshevoy, Stepan Kazanin and Alexander Pikalov. In 2006, Volodymyr Zelensky participated... 1088 days ago17:00 viking1984 has liked a video Bank Of England To Control What You Can Spend Your Money On! 😡 Support the channel by becoming a member: Support the channel via PayPal: Follow me on Twitter: @MahyarTousi Follow me on Instagram: @Mahyar_Tousi Send me an email: For all press or collaboration enquires: