longvt99 followers 0 Your Subscription longvt99 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 181 days ago13:42 longvt99 has liked a video In The End Volksviewmedia 238 days ago14:57 longvt99 has liked a video Invaders In Germany Film Themselves Attacking A German Boy https://naggers.net/ https://holocausthandbooks.com/ https://www.holocaustexposed.org/ https://archive.org/details/holocaust_deprogramming_course https://jewishcontributions.com/ https://odysee.com/@Arcodeaus:f https://odysee.com/@natall:0 https://web.archive.org/web/20231213233848/https://judaism.is/ https://web.archive.org/web/20180726... 243 days ago13:49 longvt99 has liked a video TRUMP, JEWS, AND NEWS Kenan SonOfEnos This channel is only made possible by your generous contributions. Thank you for your support, here's the link https://givesendgo.com/sonofenos In this Report, I explore the various possibilities on what really happened with the so-called "Trump Assassination" attempt, as well as the White-Revolution that... 271 days ago17:29 longvt99 has liked a video SUNSCREEN 2024 **NEW WHITE BOY SUMMER MUSIC VIDEO EDIT** Music Video edit for 'Sunscreen 2024' White boy & girl summer tune 297 days ago16:35 longvt99 has liked a video 319 days ago15:37 longvt99 has liked a video Planet White Power 422 days ago11:37 longvt99 has liked a video David Cole in Auschwitz full documentary 1992 David Cole, a Jew, explores Auschwitz and debunks the claims that it was an industrial death camp - still on youtube for now but as more countries outlaw questioning the "holocaust", it is uploaded here in case it is removed to censor inconvenient evidence. All my work - https://pastebin.com/mjgD1Rzm 440 days ago16:54 longvt99 has liked a video THE MOST ANTISEMITIC VIDEO EVER! The Truth About Jews #JEWS