sirEyeNeedsForeskin followers 11 Your Subscription sirEyeNeedsForeskin - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 567 days ago22:03 EyeNeedsForeskin has liked a video 465th GTV 465th GTV 588 days ago03:01 EyeNeedsForeskin has liked a video The Census Lie After an 1890 census fire, in 1909 A Congressional Hearing was held on why Congress could not get a straight answer on the questions of "How many jews are in the USA?" Congress was absolutely stonewalled on the answer with the same old lies we hear today. Ultimately the jews simply told congress to take a hike. Henry Ford raises thi... 588 days ago11:00 EyeNeedsForeskin has liked a video 588 days ago10:26 EyeNeedsForeskin has liked a video 658 days ago03:07 EyeNeedsForeskin has uploaded a video 660 days ago21:14 EyeNeedsForeskin has liked a video Black man sneaks into Jewish Synagogue! I hope you guys enjoy this one. This was probably one of my most enjoyable videos i have ever created. For me, this is what it's about. Learning about different cultures and having conversations of substance. Follow @manisfriedman and @11213org and spam SHALOM under their latest vid ! Follow me on instagram from daily updates ! https:/... 662 days ago14:01 EyeNeedsForeskin has liked a video 410th GTV 410th GTV